SQL Tool needed to print out tables

  • Greetings!

    I know that I could use the Diagram feature and create all tables and relationships by hand but I wanted to know if there an automatated tool out on the market that can do it more structured like a reporting tool(Graphical).

    These tables need to viewed by non techy people so QA scripts are way to much for the layman.

    Any suggestions? Thanks.


  • Hi there,

    Red Gate have two tools which may interest you, the first is Dependecy Tracker which will give you a graphical output of your database (you can filter the list to be just tables rather than all objects) and their interdependencies. SQL Doc might also do what you want. As always 14 day free trials of both are availible.

    And the standard disclaimer that I work for Red Gate as a Software Engineer etc etc..

    Hope this helps,

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Thanks James, nice programs. 

    However, still searching for a tool that will do graphical print outs of tables w/columns like featured in the Database Diagrams except automated for the whole server. 


  • Just gave this a go myself you can do this is Viso fairly well - will probably require a little tweaking - Go file -> new diagram -> database -> Enitity Relationship Model

    Once that has opened up then go to database -> reverse engineer and set up your DSN and finally go through the wizard to import all the tables/views/sp's

    - James

    James Moore
    Red Gate Software Ltd

  • Hi James,

    Do you know how Dependency Tracker performs using a plotter to print tables/relationships.  We have enormous amount of tables in our dbs. 

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