SQL Server on Linux is Just SQL Server

  • I've got 47 different programming languages, (including C# and F#), plus several different database systems (PostGres, SQLite, MySQL...) running on my main home Linux box, I might as well install SQL Server. The number one problem is I need a Windows system to fully manage it!  😛   (That's what Windows VMs are for...)

    In actuality, I do mostly OSS programming for hobbies and charity on my Linux systems, so loading SQL Server wouldn't be productive. It might be something we would do at work for some currently unknown business reason. 

  • I found a good article that summarizes some of the features not currently implemented in SQL Server for Linux.

    Here are a few that stand out, but it's interesting to note that these same limitations also apply to SQL Azure to some extent.
    - SQL Server Agent is expected to be in public preview early spring
    - Active Directory authentication has no stated timeline for release
    - xp_cmdshell (extended stored procedures)

    There was mention about a cross-platform SQL Server Admin tool in the works.

    Does anyone know if SQL Server Express Edition will be (or has been) ported to Linux?

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • I've certainly enjoyed having a play around with SSoL at home. I actually use it as my test bed more often than the instance on my laptop, as I've almost been keen to see it "break" (which it hasn't, like Steve said, it's just like SQL Server).

    I'm looking forward to seeing SSIS and especially SSRS on the Linux side, I can see those being big cards in its selling point.

    I've noticed a few people mention no SSMS, but I have no problems using VSCode on Ubuntu. The commands are quite different at times, but I've got used to it. The GUI is friendly enough as well, but obviously lacks the usual helpful panes, for example the object explorer. That effectively forced me into creating a database project, which wasn't especially bad but it's nice to have the "simple" thigns we take for granted. I'm hopeful a GUI will come to Ubuntu, however, I doubt it'll be SSMS, but something that has the "skin" of it, but is another beast entirely underneath. Otherwise, you end up with (possibly) still needing a Windows machine to maintain the database easily, or isn't as intuitive to new users (especially those that have grown up with Windows).

    I'll be keeping an eye on the future for it, but i imagine it'll be a few versions before it really settles in.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • When I finish building a new home box with lots of memory and disk, the first thing I'm doing is putting up a Linux VM to play with SQL Server. Why? Savage curiosity. Which I guess puts me in the just because I can camp.


  • chrisn-585491 - Thursday, April 27, 2017 7:33 AM

    I've got 47 different programming languages, (including C# and F#), plus several different database systems (PostGres, SQLite, MySQL...) running on my main home Linux box, I might as well install SQL Server. The number one problem is I need a Windows system to fully manage it!  😛   (That's what Windows VMs are for...)

    well, you do get SQLCMD and BCP, so you could manage it from Linux, but it's certainly cumbersome.

  • I did just remember one concern with VSCode; if you ask it to store the password for your SQL Server login it keeps in it in plain Text on Ubuntu. Not exactly ideal (many alarm bells ringing).

    Hopefully this won't be a problem when Active Directory support comes in.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Eric M Russell - Thursday, April 27, 2017 7:47 AM

    Does anyone know if SQL Server Express Edition will be (or has been) ported to Linux?

    There's only one codebase. Whether they release this edition or not is a separate story, but the code has been ported with the exceptions of certain features that don't (and may never) work cross platform. I don't expect to see Filestream moved, but I might be wrong.

  • Yes, I am really interested in SQL on Linux, but only as a development environment at this stage.

    I did allocate some time previously to test it on Ubuntu, but to my embarrassment, I did not manage to install it!
    I already got a bit red under the collar with Linux when it inverted the caps lock at logon.
    I just entered the password during installation a couple of minutes ago, so it took me a while to figure out what was going on.

    In any case, I am a lot more interested in SQL running in Docker containers at the moment, but I will still give the Linux option another chance.

    (For the record. The installation issue is related to a problem with not resolving 'packages.microsoft.com' which might not necessary be a Linux issue at all! :Whistling: )

  • TUellner - Thursday, April 27, 2017 8:23 AM

    When I finish building a new home box with lots of memory and disk, the first thing I'm doing is putting up a Linux VM to play with SQL Server. Why? Savage curiosity. Which I guess puts me in the just because I can camp.


    I do the opposite. I put up a Windows VM on a Linux host to play/work with SQL Server.

  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor - Thursday, April 27, 2017 9:41 AM

    chrisn-585491 - Thursday, April 27, 2017 7:33 AM

    I've got 47 different programming languages, (including C# and F#), plus several different database systems (PostGres, SQLite, MySQL...) running on my main home Linux box, I might as well install SQL Server. The number one problem is I need a Windows system to fully manage it!  😛   (That's what Windows VMs are for...)

    well, you do get SQLCMD and BCP, so you could manage it from Linux, but it's certainly cumbersome.

    It's probably better for me to keep the whole system on Windows VMs.

  • I used VMWare and Ubuntu installed easily for me. I think LTS16.04. Simple and easy. This was my second time, though, as I had a basic one to play with emacs and gcc a few years ago.

    Installing SQL was simple. Amazingly simple.

  • If a Graphical client is a necessity, there are lots of third party Java based clients that run just fine on Linux.  I have utilized AquaData Studio to manage both Oracle and SQL Server from a Linux desktop.

    SQL Squirrel is another.

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