sql server odbc 2008 native client

  • hi

    i install sq server odbc native client,but it doesnt show in administrative tools,under driver tab.

    how to add it in , it running successful ,but to make connection i need to add it in under driver's tab.i am using xp.


  • First off, I would make sure you had the latest driver. Try downloading it from the Feature Pack site. Keep in mind that client is backwards compatible to at least SQL 2005, and I know I've used it to connect to SQL 2000 and 7.0

    Also make sure you have local admin rights on the box. Maybe you didn't the first time you did the install.


    If that doesn't work, post back with any error messages found in the application or system log that pertain to your installation of the client.

  • i installed from the same site ,you posted .and its successfully,but it doesnt show under odbc data source driver

  • Do you have any errors in the system or application log?

  • Also can you verify that sqlncli10.dll actually exists in C:\Windows\System32\ ?

  • hi

    this file is exist in system32,i dont have any error.however in the administrator tools ,its writte to install new driver ,use driver's set up program.what does that mean??

  • It means you need to run the sqlncli.msi to install the driver. I'm assuming you did that.

    Have you tried creating a new data source using the SQL Native Client Driver?

  • but that driver doesnt show under driver tab in odbc source .How can i create new data source without it

  • Well the DLL is in your system32, and without looking to make sure it's registered in the registry, I would guess something hasn't refreshed in the GUI. I seem to remember seeing this before, where it wouldn't be on the driver tab but if I followed the wizard I could select it.

    You may check your registry by following this article... just be careful... the registry is not a place for cowboys.


    HKLM > SOFTWARE > ODBC > ODBCINST.INI should have a key for SQL Server Native Client 10.0

  • but where to see registry entries in PC

  • Start > Run > type Regedit (WinXP)

    Start > Search > type Regedit (Vista, Win7)

  • ok.under ODBCINST.INI, i cannot see entry for sql 2008 native client

  • Then it sounds like you either don't have permissions or there is something wrong with the system where you cannot make updates to the registery. If you are 100% sure you've got permissions (verifing your a local admin and no group policies from your domain administrator are keeping you from installing), I would have someone check over your Windows installation.

  • i do have local admin rights,can i add manually sql server native client 2008

  • what i tried to install this,it just gives me 3 option ,modify,repair and remove,does i install right one

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