SQL Server can't connect to database

  • When you run SQL Server Configuration Manager, right click-Run As Administrator, then under the Log On tab you should be able to select local system account.

  • Hi, foxxo -

    I logged onto my PC as Administrator, ran SQL Server Configuration Manager as Administrator, logged onto the local system account, and started SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS), which is now running. Thanks a lot for that.

    However, under Sql Server Configuration Manager | Sql Server Services, I still can't find SQL Server Full Text Filter Deamon Launcher MSSQLSERVER) anywhere, so I'm unable to launch it, so I don't see any point in trying to reinstall AdventureWorks until I get that straightened out.

    Any suggestions? Thanks for any help you can give.

  • Follow the instructions in part two on this page to install the full text indexing feature: http://kiln.stackexchange.com/questions/1901/how-do-i-upgrade-sql-server-to-enable-full-text-search

  • Hi, foxxo -

    My computer doesn't know what program to use to open these log files. Any suggestions?

  • Hi, foxxo -

    Clicking on

    Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | Configuration Tools | SQL Server Installation Center | Installation | New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation

    brings up a "Browse for Folder" Window with the message "Browse for SQL Server 2008 Installation Media". What does this mean, and what should I do?


  • I'm trying to install AdventureWorks sample databases. (I'm running under Windows XP.)

    Here's what I did so far:

    1. downloaded:

    • SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe (version 10.00.1600.22)

    • SQL2008.AdventureWorks_All_Databases.x86.msi

    • Windows PowerShell (version 2)

    2. logged onto PC as Administrator

    3. installed PowerShell

    4. ran SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe to install SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services

    5. enabled SQL Server:

    Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | Configuration Tools | SQL Server Configuration Manager (right click, run as Administrator) | SQL Server Services | SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) | Log On | local system account, Start

    6. connected to SQL Server:

    Start | All Programs | Run Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | SQL Server Management Studio

    Server type: Database Engine

    Server name: NULL\SQLEXPRESS <-- NULL is my machine name

    Authentication: Windows Authentication

    Now I want to start the SQL Server Full Text Filter Deamon Launcher (MSSQLSERVER) so I can run SQL2008.AdventureWorks_All_Databases.x86.msi in order to install the AdventureWorks sample databases.

    The Deamon isn't showing up in

    Start | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services


    Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | Configuration Tools | SQL Server Configuration Manager | SQL Server Services

    But when I click on

    Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | Configuration Tools | SQL Server Installation Center | Installation | New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation

    in order to launch the Daemon, this brings up a "Browse for Folder" Window with the message "Browse for SQL Server 2008 Installation Media".

    Selecting the folder where I downloaded SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe to doesn't work. Apparfently what's needed is to select some other folder which is a temporary folder put on the PC while SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe is running, and then this folder is deleted.

    I found instructions "SQL server 2008 Installation media"for how to deal witht this at


    but these instructions are for Windows 7, not Windows XP.

    Any help? Thanks.

  • Start the install from SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe instead of the start menu, it should then allow you to install Full Text without prompting for installation media

  • Hi, foxxo -

    Yes, that worked, in SQL Server Installation Center, when Installation is executing and the SQL Server 2008 Setup window appears, then when it reaches Installation Type, I select "Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server 2008", then Feature Selection runs, I am unable to select ANY features, so I back up and select "Perform a new installation of SQL Server 2008", rather than "Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server 2008".

    I am then able to select all features, including Full-Text Search.

    Then in attempting to accept the parameters offered in the Instance Configuration that follows Feature Selection, I get the error message "There are validation errors on this page. Click OK to close this dialog box. Review errors at the bottom Setup page, then provide valid parameters or click Help for more information."

    There are two errors cited:

    "The instance name is already in use." I can select "Defualt instance" instead of "Named instance" ("SQLEXPRESS").

    "The instance ID 'MSSQL10.SQLExpress' is already in use. Please choose a different value." I've got no idea how to answer this one.


  • You could install a seperate instance of SQL as you have been trying, but your first installed instance will be useless and wasting memory. I would suggest uninstalling the first instance (SQLEXPRESS) and reinstalling, ensuring that you select the Full Text feature on the new install.

    However you can install a 2nd instance if you prefer, and give it a new name, eg. SQLEXPRESS2, but you'll need to remember to connect to the correct instance of SQL each time you open Management Studio. It's simpler if you uninstall, reinstall.

    Edit: You wouldnt have this problem on a non-express version of SQL, just an FYI in case you're finding it frustrating

  • Hi, foxxo -

    So, in other words, uninstall and reinstall SQL Server 2008 Express with Advanced Services itself, right?

  • Yes that's correct, completely uninstall that instance, then reinstall but ensure you select the Full Text Indexing feature during installation

  • Hi, foxxo -

    OK, I've uninstalled SQL, and I'm in the process of reinstalling, and I've gotten further this time, and I've included Full Text Search, but now, at Server Configuration, I'm getting the following errors:

    "The specified credentials that were provided for the SQL Server service are not valid. To continue, provide a valid account and password for the SQL Server service."

    "The credentials you provided for the Reporting Services service are invalid. To continue, provide a valid account and password for the Reporting Services service."

    I don't know if this applies to SQL Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher or to SQL Server Database Engine and SQL Server Reporting Services, none of which have an account or password listed.

    Any suggestions?

  • In an enterprise environment you would create an account specifically to run those services separately from your login account. In your case, since it's running on your desktop machine, you should be able to select NT AUTHORITY\Local System Account, no password is required as it should disable that field. You will need to run the installer as administrator to have access to create services that run under the Local System Account.

    If that fails, you can create a new Windows account with administrator privledges and set all SQL Services to run under that account when you reattempt installation.

  • Hi, foxxo -

    Server Configuration is giving me choices which are quite close to , but are not quite, "NT AUTHORITY\Local System".

    For SQL Server Database Engine, I am given the options of "NT AUTHORITY/NETWORK SERVICE" or "NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM", so I have chosen "NT AUTHORITY/SYSTEM".


    For SQL Server Full-text Filter Daemon Launcher, only "NT AUTHORITY/LOCAL SERVICE" is available.

    For SQL Server Browser, only "NT AUTHORITY/LOCAL..." is available. I surmise that the full string is "NT AUTHORITY/LOCAL SERVICE", but I can't actually see that.

    At any rate, in the next step (Database Engine Configuration), under Account Provisioning, I get the following error message:

    "Missing system administrator account. To continue, provide at least one Windows account to provision as a SQL Server system administrator."

    Incidentally, I am of course running the installer as Administrator.

    I'm sorry, but I'm still hung up here. I'm sorry to be such a pest, but I'm a newbie and don't really know what I'm doing, and I'm very grateful for your help, and I'm getting desperate in my attempts to get this installation problem straightened out. Thanks for your help.


    >If that fails, you can create a new Windows account with administrator privledges and set all SQL Services to run under that account when you reattempt installation.

    I already have a seperate Windows account with administrator privledges, so if need be and if you say so, that's what I'll use. So I would just enter that account name and its password into the SQL Server installer, right?

  • The account provisioning section is referring to administrator within the SQL environment, not your Windows administrator. So it's asking for any account that you would like to have administrator permissions within SQL. Windows administrators do not get SQL administrator permissions by default, so you have to enter the account you will use to connect to SQL in there. Follow this video if not clear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTrXu4jOKss

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