Sql Server and Borland Interbase on the same server

  • HI All

     can anyone shed some light on this topic for me

     we have bee asked to consolidate our servers , and one suggestion is to run borland interbase and ms sql server 200 on the same box, currently we have a quad xeon with a 1 gb of ram run windows 2003 and sql server. and thats all it does

     so now borland interbase has been suggested to run on the same box

     id like to leave it as sql server windows 2003 and nuthing else


     all thoughts would be great



    Kindest Regards,

    Todd,non est vivere sed valere vita est

  • I would always recommend running SQL Server on its own dedicated box for obvious performance reasons.  If you must consolodate these applications though you should at least upgrade your memory to at least 2 Gigs.  1 Gig of ram is low just for SQL Server and will be extremely low for sql server and interbase.

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