SQL Server Agent jobs not running as scheduled

  • Have you tried restarting the agent? That is what seems to be required to get it working again in some cases.

    Helpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • I had issues where a job seemingly stopped working even though it showed enabled and scheduled. I was able to track it back to a line of TSQL that was re-enabling the job if it was disabled. We have a notification job that is sending messages but when someone was working on areas that would cause notifications they would manually disable this job while it was being worked on. So we have a second job that was a "fail safe" that would check if the original job had been disabled for more than 30 minutes and if so it would re-enable it, but the problem was that it re-enabled it via an UPDATE to the sys.jobs table directly instead of using sp_update_job. Once we switched that command it solved the issue.

  • That would explain it. The agent job information cached has to be refreshed. This is not done when using system tables directly. In addition, the supported methods help insure replication and multi-server job changes are handled correctly.

    Helpdesk: Perhaps Im not the only one that does not know what you are doing. 😉

  • For what it is worth, I just ran into the issue of what I thought an Agent job not running as scheduled. It turned out that the job never finished from day before. Sometimes the easy answer is the one worth checking first.

  • once I faced a similar issue, turned out server was patched and after reboot, system date time settings were screwed and system itself was showing past date. Hence sql server agent was showing past date in 'next run' field

    check what timw your sql server is showing select getdate()

  • I have seen this post over the years as this has happened to me a few times in different versions of SQL Server. I have found the following has resolved the symptoms. Open the Job Schedule Properties. See the Duration section and reset the Start date: to today. Click Ok to implement the edit. Then Right Click the SQL Server Agent node in the Object Explorer and choose Restart. Repeat these steps for each schedule that is not getting kicked of automatically.

    I am not discounting any of the other suggestions such as ms patches etc. and I don't think we will ever know the root cause. I am guessing that there is a catalog that fails to get updated properly or a cache of sorts that gets corrupt when making edits to an existing job and or schedule that throws the ss agent off. Just wanted a good place to document one workaround.

    SELECT MAX(t.GratitudeRating)
    FROM tblMyThanks t
    WHERE t.Recipient = 'SQLServerCentral.com'

  • Thanks. It's working fine for me.:-):-)

    But changing start date for all scheduled jobs is time taking process.(we have 50 to 60 scheduled jobs in our producition server)

    Please suggest If any alternative solution is available with out changing start date/restarting the sql server agent.

  • You could try scripting them out, modify the start dates on the scripts, then drop and recreate the jobs all at once.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • We will take care of scripting part

    But we want to know the reason for this issue.when ever server will restart scheduled jobs are not triggered as per the schedule.

  • I had the same problem on SQL Server 2008 running on Window server 2008 R2. There are 3 instances on this server and each had been assigned 3GB, 4GB & 8GB memory on a server that has 16GB of RAM. As you can see, 15GB is assigned to SQL Server. So, 1GB of Memory is not enough for the OS.

    There is a backup job scheduled to run @2:00AM and on one of the instance out of the 3, skips the schedule and I had to run it manually.

    Eventually, i discussed with the system administrator and we added 8GB of memory and we dedicated 5GB, 7GB & 8GB for the 3 SQL SERVER instance and dedicated the remaining 4GB to the operating system and that has fixed the issue for me.

    I highly recommend the OS to have at least 4GB of RAM for better performance.

    Please let me know if this has fixed your issues.

  • Just edit the time in schedule and save it.

  • Hi All

    I thought I had the same problem but when I opened the Activity Monitor I saw that step 1 on the job was hanging and therefore it looked in the job log like the job was not starting.

    This also explain why sombody "have solved" the problem by restarting the SQL Agent!

  • Just a note for others searching this topic - we just had the same behaviour on SQL Server 2014.  Bouncing the SQL Server Agent service resolved the problem.

    Obviously a rarely encountered MS SQL Server feature.


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