SQL Server 2012: Passing through a user context on a connection.

  • Hi,

    I would like to know if we can have a generic "customer database account" to connect to the database (from a PHP layer) and then pass through the current web logged in user name for auditing purposes.

    In the oracle world I would be using the setClientIdentifier function on any connection returned from a pool, but I cannot see anything obvious (to me) on the APIs to support this.

    Our backup plan, because we only access table data through stored procedures, is to extend the API to have the username passed through - but this is a little ugly and less than transparent.

    Any advice appreciated.


  • I don't know Oracle so I might be wrong here, but if you are using windows authentication so each user is using his real login, you can use the functions suser_sname() to get the login's name or user_name() to get the user's name.


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  • Hi,

    Our user base is public facing and very large, so we cannot/do not want to create Window accounts for each and every user. They will be stored in an LDAP server hosting on a linux environment along with the website etc.

    Longer term we will be using connection pooling (to reduce connection time and cost) and of course they will all be connected as a connection pool user of some description.

    Therefore, we need some way of passing the username across with each and every invocation (to enable us to audit who is doing what).

    Hope this clarifies the help that I need! I really want something more transparent that adding run-as/username/caller as a parameter to every function.


  • You can try and use the set context_info statement (but I have to admit that I'm not sure that this is what you are looking for). This statement gets a value of type varbinary(128) and stores it as part of the session's data. You can get the information for this session by running queries on sys.dm_exec_session or using the function context_info(). Bellow a small script that shows how to use it:

    --Inserting the data

    declare @vb varbinary(128)

    set @vb = cast('This is a small demo' as varbinary(128))

    set context_info @vb


    --Getting the data

    select cast(context_info as varchar(128)) from sys.dm_exec_sessions where session_id = @@spid

    select cast(context_info()as varchar(128))


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  • there's a session-level value named CONTEXT_INFO you could set, but you would have to modify your application to set it and use it;

    here's an example or two:


    SET @var = CAST(N'Hello World' AS VARBINARY(128))




    -- Select the context information

    DECLARE @sess VARBINARY(128), @var NVARCHAR(64)

    SET @sess = (SELECT context_info FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE spid = @@spid)

    SET @var = CAST(@sess AS NVARCHAR(64))

    print @var

    SELECT CAST(context_info AS NVARCHAR(64)) AS RESULTS FROM master.dbo.sysprocesses

    WHERE spid = @@spid

    DECLARE @var VARBINARY(128),

    @res NVARCHAR(64)

    SET @var = CAST(N'Hello World' AS VARBINARY(128))

    PRINT @var

    --results: 0x480065006C006C006F00200057006F0072006C006400

    SET @res = CAST(@var AS NVARCHAR(64))

    PRINT @res

    --results: Hello World

    --The same but using CONVERT:

    SET @var = CONVERT(VARBINARY(128), (N'Bananas and Oranges'))

    PRINT @var

    --results: 0x420061006E0061006E0061007300200061006E00640020004F00720061006E00670065007300

    SET @res = CONVERT(NVARCHAR(64),@var)

    PRINT @res

    --results: Bananas and Oranges


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  • I think you would have to do this from the code side. The user hits the php pages which authenticates them through ldap. You could change your connection string at that point to pass the user name and creds from a session var or cookie. Assuming you are not just getting a hash code returned. If you use the generic user SQL should only see the userName and password from the PHP script unless you pull a http header and include it in your update script for sql.

  • Thanks guys..the Context_Info led me to some more googling and I found this which I very close to what I was hoping for..


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