SQL Server 2008 Table Valued Parameters Performance

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item SQL Server 2008 Table Valued Parameters Performance

  • Thanks for that. An interesting read, and I like seeing performance figures.

    In the non-XML solution you recommend, how does one get the bulk updates from the client application to the server, and into the input table in one database call? In your scenario you are 'updating multiple order detail rows in a data grid at once. The user needs to update the price and quantity for 250 order line items.' I can see how to create the XML to do the update and call the stored procedure in the first two examples, but I don't understand how to stock the user defined table type with the data so easily. Would this be an ASP.NET bulk insert or a multiple-value insert? (INSERT INTO tempTable (FirstCol, SecondCol) VALUES (1,'First'), (2,'Second'), (3,'Third'), (4,'Fourth'), (5,'Fifth') ....) If this is the case, wouldn't the 'traditional' approach of using a temporary table be just as fast? Apologies in advance if I've missed something.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • And what about using sp_xml_preparedocument to parse XML ?

  • Using XML as a input parameter

    -I wouldn’t use a XML as a input parameter to update a table; mainly to avoid the XML reader operation.

    -This approach will lock the updating table for extensive period which is not acceptable

    Watch out if you are attempting to update a large table using a table value parameter, the chances are that you will lock the updating table for a lengthy period of time causing longer transaction response times on your application which won’t be acceptable.

    Some details on table –value parameters


  • Hi Scott

    Nice article about a new technology that is way too less used till now (in my opinion).


    To send data from .NET client side to a table-valued parameter, you can use either a DataTable (I don't like this due to its huge overhead) or a IEnumerable<SqlDataRecord> (my preference).

    Here's an article from SSC:

    Streaming Data Into SQL Server 2008 From an Application[/url]

    And here are further articles from my blog:

    Table-Valued Parameters - A Performance Comparison

    Table-Valued Parameters

    Hope this helps


  • Hi finizi

    finizi (7/8/2010)

    And what about using sp_xml_preparedocument to parse XML ?

    Is marked as deprecated since SQL Server 2005 and should not be used any more. Further,

    • The old SQL Server 2000 XML functions have been restricted to
    • Old XML features have been provided over extended procedures (like sp_xml_preparedocument). New XML support is a native feature of SQL Server
    • New XML features should be much faster than old once.
    • Old once have been restricted to 8000 characters



  • jude.pieries (7/8/2010)

    Using XML as a input parameter

    -I wouldn’t use a XML as a input parameter to update a table; mainly to avoid the XML reader operation.

    -This approach will lock the updating table for extensive period which is not acceptable

    Watch out if you are attempting to update a large table using a table value parameter, the chances are that you will lock the updating table for a lengthy period of time causing longer transaction response times on your application which won’t be acceptable.

    Some details on table –value parameters


    Do you have an example of an update statement holding a table lock where the sole reason for the lock escalation was the use of the xml parsing? I have seen normal pessimistic locking behaving when shredding xml in the data tier for use in +1 crud scenarios.

  • Excellent article. The only thing I think would have been nice to add (and which has been covered in this discussion forum) is how to pass the data into the table from the application.

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  • In the calling ASP.NET application you can create a ADO.NET datatable object and populate the datatable with the data rows from the grid. The datatable would be passed into the stored procedure as a single parameter. The parameter would be declared as DB type Structured. The code would look something like this:

    DataTable OrderDetailsDT

    //Add data to the datatable

    SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand( "UspInsertOrderDetails",conn);

    Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    SqlParameter Param = Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(

    "@OrderDetails", OrderDetailsDT);

    Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;


  • Hey Scott, thanks for the article. Florian, thanks for the blog links those were great.

    I'm curious how the XML method would perform when used with XML Schema Collections. I'm guessing it'd be better, but not as good as TVP.

  • Bradley Deem (7/8/2010)

    Florian, thanks for the blog links those were great.

    Thanks for the feedback 🙂

  • Thanks Scott, I must read up on my ADO.NET! Thanks too, Florian. I missed those blog posts. I must try it out. I can see this making a great difference to performance.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • Nice article. Thanks for sharing with us.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • 🙂

    Thank you . I get new things again.

    Thorn Bird...

  • Some of the poor performance is down to your xpath and the use of both .vaue and .query.

    This is somewhat quicker. (Though it is never going to be as quick as using a table variable parameter)

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateTableViaXML3]


    @Data xml




    DECLARE @ErrMsg varchar(100),

    @ErrNo int,

    @ErrSeverity varchar(100)


    UPDATE PODetailTest

    SET OrderQty = T.PO.value('(OrderQty/text())[1]', 'smallint') ,

    UnitPrice = T.PO.value('(UnitPrice/text())[1]','money')

    FROM @Data.nodes('Root/PurchaseOrderDetail') AS T(PO)

    WHERE T.PO.value('(PurchaseOrderDetailID/text())[1]','int') = PODetailTest.PurchaseOrderDetailID



    SELECT @ErrMsg = 'An error occurred in stored procedure ' + ERROR_PROCEDURE() + ': ' + ERROR_MESSAGE(),

    @ErrSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY()

    RAISERROR(@ErrMsg, @ErrSeverity, 1)



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