SQL server 2008 R2 - CXpacket wait type

  • Hi,

    I am running one stored procedure in which it contains union and inserting into another table which is referred in joining condition also. Its runnign morethan 5 hours but not completed yet but it useally tooks only 4 minutes earlier.

    But its taking too long time to run and when i monitor this in activity monitor cxpacket wait type and wait resource of exchange event ID=pipe362 it shows.

    Please suggest how can i fine tune this.



  • Do you have code and/or execution plan for this procedure?

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • Here is my code

    I am not able to retrieve the execution plan as the query itself is not completed.

    Please help,I have created this as the SP

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MissingPAIntelorCP') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #MissingPAIntelorCP

    CREATE TABLE #MissingPAIntelorCP(

    ActID NVARCHAR(50)


    INSERT INTO #MissingPAIntelorCP


    FROM DML.ExceptionsTrackingTable (NOLOCK)

    WHERE ExceptionType IN ('No PAIntel Activations and CP Data' ,'No PAIntel Activations')


    FROM sys.indexes

    WHERE name = 'NCIX_MissingPAIntelorCP_ActID'

    AND object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'#MissingPAIntelorCP'))


    INSERT INTO DML.ExceptionsTrackingTable

















    ,'Subscription' ActivationModel

    ,GETDATE() DMLUpdatedTimestamp

    ,CAST(Machine.MachineKey AS VARCHAR(50)) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS ActID




    ,@RunID RunID

    ,@BatchID BatchID

    ,N'No data from PAIntel Activations AND CP,but OLS has data' ExceptionReason

    ,N'No PAIntel Activations and CP Data' ExceptionType

    ,0 AS DMLIsDeletedFlag

    ,Machine.EntitlementId AS EntitlementID

    FROM DML.ExtOLSMachine Machine

    JOIN (SELECT EntitlementId



    FROM DML.ExceptionsTrackingtable

    WHERE EntitlementId IS NOT NULL and DMLIsDeletedFlag = 0) OLSEntitlement

    ON OLSEntitlement.EntitlementId = Machine.EntitlementId

    LEFT JOIN DML.ExtOLSEntitlement Entitlement

    ON Entitlement.EntitlementId = Machine.EntitlementId

    LEFT JOIN #MissingPAIntelorCP MissingPAIntelorCP

    ON CAST(Machine.MachineKey AS VARCHAR(50)) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = MissingPAIntelorCP.ActID

    WHERE Entitlement.EntitlementId IS NULL

    AND MissingPAIntelorCP.ActID IS NULL

    -- OPTION (MAXDOP 2)




    ,'Subscription' ActivationModel

    ,GETDATE() DMLUpdatedTimestamp

    ,CAST(Machine.MachineKey AS VARCHAR(50)) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS ActID




    ,@RunID RunID

    ,@BatchID BatchID

    ,N'No data from PAIntel Activations AND CP,but OLS has data' ExceptionReason

    ,N'No PAIntel Activations and CP Data' ExceptionType

    ,0 AS DMLIsDeletedFlag

    ,Machine.EntitlementId AS EntitlementID

    FROM DML.ExtOLSMachine Machine

    JOIN (SELECT EntitlementId



    FROM DML.ExceptionsTrackingTable

    WHERE EntitlementId IS NOT NULL and DMLIsDeletedFlag = 0) OLSEntitlement

    ON OLSEntitlement.EntitlementId = Machine.CalcEntitlementId

    AND OLSEntitlement.EntitlementId <> Machine.EntitlementId

    LEFT JOIN DML.ExceptionsTrackingTable ExcludeNewFormatExcep

    ON Machine.EntitlementId = ExcludeNewFormatExcep.EntitlementId and DMLIsDeletedFlag = 0

    LEFT JOIN DML.ExtOLSEntitlement Entitlement

    ON Entitlement.EntitlementId = Machine.EntitlementId

    LEFT JOIN #MissingPAIntelorCP MissingPAIntelorCP

    ON CAST(Machine.MachineKey AS VARCHAR(50)) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = MissingPAIntelorCP.ActID

    WHERE Entitlement.EntitlementId IS NULL

    AND ExcludeNewFormatExcep.EntitlementId IS NULL

    AND MissingPAIntelorCP.ActID IS NULL --OPTION (MAXDOP 2)

    SELECT @RecordCount = @@ROWCOUNT

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#MissingPAIntelorCP') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #MissingPAIntelorCP

  • I'd be interested in seeing the execution plan to better understand how things are resolving, but, this alone will lead to scans of the temporary table:

    ON CAST(Machine.MachineKey AS VARCHAR(50)) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS

    There may be other issues as well.

    What is the value of Cost Threshold for Parallelism on your server? If it's set to the default value of 5, I'd suggest bumping it up to a higher value. You can average the costs of queries in your system and then set the value above them as a starting point. Or, take the lazy way out; 20 for a reporting system, 50 for an OLTP system and then adjust as necessary.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Are all the distincts really necessary? Is the Union necessary or will union all work?

    Personally I prefer creating clustered index on a temp table before putting data into it (if I put a clustered index on at all). Have you tested which is faster (insert first or create index first)?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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