SQL Server 2008 Non RAID install

  • Hello,

    I am using several online sources, and a physical book "SQL Server 2008 Administration IN ACTION" by Rod Colledge

    My question is when installing SQL Server 2008 the author recommends "to specify set-up locations for the database data and log files, backup files and the tempdb data and log files. For maximum maximum performance, create directories on partitions that are physically separate from each other." In another chapt the authors has an image of the install using a RAID configuration with the suggested files on separate location with in a RAID. We have no such asset here and I am wondering if splitting the directories over 1 or 2 hard drives is enough to satify this suggested installation option? I guess whats throwing my off is the phrase "physically separate from each other"

    We are a small shop and we are using repurposed assets no RAID option or SANS. the only thing we have is this r210 server and 1 maybe 2 hard drives for this project. If successful then I can justify getting a small SAN but for now it's just direct attached storage.

  • What you are reading is "best practice" and what I like to call the "dream scenario" installation. I too have worked for many years with the smaller mom and pop environments from Point of Sale to a software vendor based on SQL technologies. Many of our customers were too small to have multiple servers (i.e. SQL Server, Exchange, File Server, and so on), let alone multiple drive arrays.

    In short, you can safely install SQL Server on a single drive, IF, it is at all possible to have a second drive within the server, please do and maybe go so far as to put the log files on one drive and the actual data files on the other.

    Chris Powell

    George: You're kidding.
    Elroy: Nope.
    George: Then lie to me and say you're kidding.

  • raid is not mandatory !

    However .... if you have no raid volume for your sqlserver databases, it is game over if you lose the drive, where with e.g. a raid1 solution, both drives would have to crash before your hosted db(s) would go down.

    That being said, if you have no raid available, make sure you have an off server copy of your backup files !!

    (other server / usb disk / ...)

    Work out a DRP, with or without raid support that might keep your db available if you lose a disk.

    Also try to work out a number for the time your db will be out of service if you lose a drive and your db goes down.

    If that is more than your boss allows, ask for raid budget.


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  • Johan has good advice, but if you can't get RAID, then put your data on one drive, and your logs AND backups on the second. That way if you lose a drive, you still have your data either in the database, or in the backups.

  • Chris, ALZDBA and Steve,

    Thanks for the advise everyone, I understood the RAID was not manditory. I would have liked to have seen a Non RAID example in the book but hey what can you do right?

    This is my first attempt to put SQL Server into service here. The company has been using Access, my plan is to use all the queries and forms designed in Access and build the tables in SQL Server. This way I can slowly integrate SQL Server into our workflow.

    What do folks normally use to view the data from a database if Access forms are not use? If this is more of a design question I can ask it in an appropriate forum.

    Thanks again for your help and advise.....I use the forums alot and am a follower of Steves Daily commentaries.

  • I mostly use SQLServer Management Studio to get to my SQLServers.

    But I'm a dba and rarely developer.

    With regards to your Access conversion:

    - Keep in mind Microsoft has a tool that can help you: "SQL Server Migration Assistant Wizard for Access"

    It is free.

    You can download it from http://www.microsoft.com/sqlserver/2005/en/us/migration-access.aspx


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  • Mrfixit1170 (10/6/2010)

    Chris, ALZDBA and Steve,

    Thanks for the advise everyone, I understood the RAID was not manditory. I would have liked to have seen a Non RAID example in the book but hey what can you do right?

    This is my first attempt to put SQL Server into service here. The company has been using Access, my plan is to use all the queries and forms designed in Access and build the tables in SQL Server. This way I can slowly integrate SQL Server into our workflow.

    What do folks normally use to view the data from a database if Access forms are not use? If this is more of a design question I can ask it in an appropriate forum.

    Thanks again for your help and advise.....I use the forums alot and am a follower of Steves Daily commentaries.

    If you have a different question, please post it elsewhere.

    With regard to non-RAID examples. It doesn't make sense for any company that runs a piece of its business on a database, any database, to not have RAID installed. Even Access can benefit from RAID and many motherboards support it. You can get a RAID card for < US$100 and another drive for not much more.

    Ultimately RAID is a low level protection against drives failing and you losing data. The separation of data/log/backup in your file placement has to do with performance and protection at a higher level. They can work together, but they don't have anything to do with each other. They are separate ways to protect things.

    Even 1 server startups typically just buy a R1 setup for protection.

  • Thanks again for the advise....its always good to hear from the pro's.

    ALZDBA...I am downloading the tool from the link provided, I will be testing this out today....thanks

    Steve...Thanks for the info on the RAID, I never really used it for deploying a dbase...just gaming. This is my first project involving a dbase conversion, so I'm sure it will go smoothly (right!).

    Thanks again, and have a great day!:cool:

  • What do folks normally use to view the data from a database if Access forms are not use? If this is more of a design question I can ask it in an appropriate forum.

    Plenty of options:

    .net (grids, ...)

    webpages (javascript, java,.net ...)

    Even Acces can rely on sqlserver for its source of data (linked tables, query-objects)...

  • Ask as a separate thread. This is about RAID.

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