SQL Server 2008 - Automatic Job Doesn't run

  • Hi all,

    All the jobs were running fine except for the past two days. I don't know what happened. Two days before my server date was changed automatically(from 2013 to 2032) after that it seems to be not working.

    Kindly help me . I am not able to find exact reason also.



  • Strange things are going on with your DB. Are your jobs have an end date specified?

    Have to changed the date back to original?

    Are there anything in SQL Server/ Agent error log, which you can post.

  • Here is the Service agent log:


    Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Password did not match that for the login provided. [CLIENT:]

    Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.

  • Continue to the previous reply. My sa password is correct .I have scheduled the jobs using sa account only.

  • First thing.. running SQL Agent service with sa account is not a good practice.

    Also this error is not SQL agent error. It is from some application trying to access the DB.

    Are you able to run that job manually?

  • Yes I can run it manually. Can u guide me where I can check the errors which you are asking.

  • SQL Server Agent--> Error Logs.

  • LogSQL Server Agent (Current - 5/16/2013 11:45:00 PM)


    Error symbol:

    [364] The Messenger service has not been started - NetSend notifications will not be sent

    Info symbol:

    [129] SQLSERVERAGENT starting under Windows NT service control

    Warning symbol :

    [260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined)

    Warning symbol:

    [396] An idle CPU condition has not been defined - OnIdle job schedules will have no effect

  • You can ignore this error. This is not related to you job not running.

    Can you try one thing drop and re-create your job and see if it starts running as scheduled. You can create one test job to run in 1 min to test if it is running successfully.

  • I have created a test job.It doesn't run. Can I reschedule all of my jobs again to the same time?

  • devanandiiway (5/17/2013)

    Hi all,

    All the jobs were running fine except for the past two days. I don't know what happened. Two days before my server date was changed automatically(from 2013 to 2032) after that it seems to be not working.

    Kindly help me . I am not able to find exact reason also.



    Looking at this again, you say the date got changed to 2032. Was it changed back? Had all the jobs run while the date was 2032? Have you looked at the next schedule date for the jobs? You may just need to reschedule the jobs to get them working again.

  • After the date was changed to 2032 , scheduled jobs did run no issues. After changing the date to 2013 it doesn't .How to check the next schedule?

  • devanandiiway (5/17/2013)

    After the date was changed to 2032 , scheduled jobs did run no issues. After changing the date to 2013 it doesn't .How to check the next schedule?

    In the Oject Explorer, expand SQL Server Agent, right click on Job Activity Monitor, clink View Job Activity. Look at the Next Run column.

  • Yes the next run is scheduled to 2032. How can I change things back to normal.

  • devanandiiway (5/17/2013)

    Yes the next run is scheduled to 2032. How can I change things back to normal.

    Using the same tool. Go through the properties of each job and reschedule them to when they need to run next.

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