SQL Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008

  • Are there any known speed issues with SQL Server 2008 and Windows 2008 Server?

    because doing inserts that took minutes in Windows 2003 Server vs hours/days in Windows 2008 Server.

    I have a script that creates indexes which usually take few minutes now takes forever.

  • None that i know of, I've actually seen a huge improvement using win 08 and sql 08.

  • Is this a virtual or real server? We had some slowdowns on Virtual Servers. It is Windows 2008 SQL Server 2008 SP1.

    Also, On another install that did not change the OS, we had to upgrade some old drivers for the HP Server we were using.

    That install was not under VMWare. It went from Windows 2003 SP2 SQL Server 2000 to Windows 2003 SP2 SQL Server 2008 SP1

  • it's local on a server. Not a vitual machine.

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