SQL Server 2005, deny permission on a COLUMN, cannot see table in selector list via ODBC

  • This is an odd one. The scenario worked fine in SS2K. Scenario: have a table that contains the SSN for a person. We want everyone that has access to the table to see all of the columns, except the SSN. In SS2k, we could use table permissions then deny anyone from viewing or selecting the SSN. In addition, using an application such as Excel, you open the select table list for importing data, and the table appears. Now, in SS2005, we restrict the column, and the table disappears from the list.

    Is this the way it is designed? I can see the table in other connectors, but not in ODBC. Is this working as designed? I would much perfer to restrict the column and give users access to the table rather than creating a view that omits the column.

    Any advice / thoughts / comments are greatly appreciated.


  • I tried what you said in 2005 and it worked too. I followed what has been stated in http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/T-SQL/63398/. Please try again and it wll allow you to restrict column levl permission in 2k5 too.


  • you can restrict column by creating a view on particular table.

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