SQL Server 2000 training notes

  • Can anyone suggest to me, where i can buy SQL Server 2000 training notes from basics to administration? We intend to start a training center and i am looking for a reliable company to obtain these training notes

  • I am not sure what you mean as training notes, but I took SQL classes few years in NY, at New Horizons (http://www.newhorizons.com). As far as I remember, they offer SQL tutorials for $750 each if you are not taking the class.

    5 days class were about 2K  (tutorials included).  NH was getting those tutorials directly from MS, so you might want to check with Microsoft.

    Hope this help

  • That's not what i am looking for. I hear that some companies sell training notes to be distributed by the training institutes. We are planning to start a training institue and such notes will be helpful to be used in the class.

  • i need complete sql server 2000 notes

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