SQL Server 2000 Sysobjects RepLInfo field

  • I am running SQL Server 2000 with a transaction replication. I need to modify a field in one of the replication tables and SQL Server will not allow you to do this without dropping the replication and recreating a snapshot. Since this is replicating down to a back end server, which I also control, I was wondering if I could change the flag for ReplInfo in sysobjects telling sql server that this table isn't being replicated anymore, make my change, then switch that bit back to being replicated. If I did that would it freak SQL Server out. I know I would need to make that same mod to the subscriber table and also to the stored procedures that SQL Server uses for inserts, updates, and deletes. I'm just not sure if SQL Server would freak out or not.

    If anyone could provide some information about this I would greatly appreciate it.


    Jeff Matthews

    Jeff Matthews

  • I think there is a thread here on the site where Robert Marda (maybe?!) tried it and it worked. Whether it breaks anything depends on what you change. Not always necessary to do a snapshot, you can finesse it some. I've got an article or two on replication posted you might find some ideas in.



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