SQL Server 2000 -- Log Shipping Monitor Server

  • According to the Books Online, all servers used in Log Shipping must have SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition installed. My question is does this requirement include the Monitor Server?

  • Mark,

    you should be able to set up a monitor server on standard edition. I just checked, and standard edition comes with various log shipping procedures in msdb, including sp_add_log_shipping_monitor_jobs, sp_add_log_shipping_primary and sp_add_log_shipping_secondary, which are all used to set up monitoring.

    So my guess is that you can. Having said that, I've never tried this out so I cannot say for sure.

    Your best bet is to try it out.

  • Thanks, I will give it a try anyway.

  • Hi, just to confirm....you dont need Ent Edition for the  monitor.

  • Thank you for the response. Yet another example of the documentation leading me astray 🙂

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