SQL Question - Unions

  • I have a question on how to return only some records from my existing

    query (shown below).  I want to return only records that occur in both

    sides of the union AND have the same tablename.  (Maybe thier is an

    easier way than starting with the union, which you may suggest).


    So, for example, imagine the query to return the following records


    Union 1    tax_info        tableName1

    Union 1    pretax           tableName1

    Union 1    tax_info        tableName2

    Union 2    sales_info     tableName1

    Union 2    sales_info     tableName3


    I would want to construct some type of additional criteria that would

    return only


     tax_info        tableName1


    as the table 'tableName1' is the only table to be in both Union 1 and

    Union 2.







     'Union 1' as ObjectType,

     A.name AS ColumnName,

     B.name AS TableName


     dbo.syscolumns A, dbo.sysobjects B


     A.id = B.id


     (A.name like '%tax%' and A.name like '%sale%')  and  (B.xtype = 'V')




     'Union 2' as ObjectType,

     A.name AS ColumnName,

     B.name AS TableName


     dbo.syscolumns A, dbo.sysobjects B


     A.id = B.id


     A.name like '%Sales%'


     (B.xtype = 'V')

  • Let me see if I understand this correctly.  You have multiple '%sale%' tables that can contain the column, (I still always want to say field) tax_info. 

    You want to only choose one of the '%sale%' tables that have that column? 


    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • This may work, if I understand your question.  I think you're looking for a list of views and %tax%sale% (or %sale%tax%) columns that also contain a %sales% column.


    ColumnName, TableName

    from (

       select so.id, so.name as TableName, sc.name as ColumnName

       from sysobjects so inner join syscolumns sc on so.id = sc.id

       where so.xtype = 'V' and sc.name like '%tax%' and sc.name like '%sale%'

    ) a

    where id in (

       select so.id from sysobjects so inner join syscolumns sc on so.id = sc.id

       where so.xtype = 'V' and sc.name like '%sales%')

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