SQL Query to find number of changes in ParamValue column per Paramaterid

  • How do I sql script to get the number of changes happened (False To True & True - False) per Paramterid with following versionids.

    CREATE TABLE IntegrationParameters


    Parameterid INT,

    Paramvalue VARCHAR(10),

    versionid int


    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(1,'False',1)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(1,'False',1)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(1,'True',2)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(1,'True',2)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(1,'False',3)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,'False',1)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,'False',1)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,'True',2)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,'True',2)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,'True',3)

    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,'False',3)
    INSERT INTO IntegrationParameters VALUES(2,True,4)

    With the above data, I am expecting output like Parameterid=1, changes=2 & Parameterid=2, Changes=3)


  • ;
    WITH param_changes AS
        SELECT *, CASE WHEN LAG(ParamValue) OVER(PARTITION BY ParameterID ORDER BY VersionID) <> ParamValue THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS change
        FROM IntegrationParameters
    SELECT ParameterID, SUM(change)
    FROM param_changes
    GROUP BY ParameterID

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks Drew. That worked!!

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