sql query - select all rows where (field) does not = (value)

  • Hi again,


    I have a table with names and addresses. Some rows have been marked with a '1' in for certain customers who have cancelled an order.

    I want to run a query that pulls all the customers who do not have a '1' against them e.g. all the customers who did not cancel.


    I have been trying different syntax but I keep getting errors.


    Any help would be appreciated.



  • Select custId, lName, fName from dbo.Customers where CanceledOrder = 0

  • Or even:


    Select custId, lName, fName from dbo.Customers where CanceledOrder != 1

  • You're right... I was assuming a bit column but it could be something else... It's just that = usually works faster that because indexes can be used.

    Also should be used instead of != (even if it does the same thing)

  • I also believe that the optimizer works better with "=VALUE" as opposed to "!=VALUE" or "<>VALUE" if the column is indexed.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • That's why I gave my first answer as =

    but that makes the assumption that the column is a bit... or can only have only 2 values. If this is not the case, then is a safer way to go even if it may be slower. However in the case of a column like this, an index would prove useless since their would be only 2 different values in the index.

  • No always ... with no index on the column a 'table scan' would be used. With an index on the column, worst case, an 'index scan' is performed. Still not the most efficient (exactly the same amount of logical reads) but far less I/O (much less physical reads since the index is far smaller than the table data).

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Isn't it why sql server creates and maintains statistics? I wonder if someone can come up with a sample script to show what really happens.

  • Of course if the coulmn is nullable then you would need something like:

    Select custId, lName, fName from dbo.Customers

    where CanceledOrder <> 1

    OR      CanceledOrder is NUll


  • We could debate this for weeks (with all the knowlegde of this community), but we don't have the table def so I don't see the point of continuing this discussion at this time... but you're obviously absolutely right about that.

  • Paul,

    If you are still having a problem then please post the statement you are trying and the error message you are getting.



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