SQL query regarding parameter

  • pwalter83 (5/24/2011)

    Ninja's_RGR'us (5/24/2011)

    Try changing the query then creating a new report from scratch (just to see if the query runs... no need to rebuild the rest)

    Actually that is the problem I am having. I have tried everything I could and have exhausted my options. This is the reason I am on this forum....

    I don't know what to tell you. I have 100s of reports that use between these 2 dates filters. That's how I build them, that's how it works.

    Start from the point that it HAS TO WORK, PERIOD. Then go 1 tiny small step at a time. You can even try with

    SELECT * FROM sys.objects where cr_date > @From

    then another report with @From and @To.

    Maybe you have a problem with connection setting or something else you've not considered.

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