sql query > phpfile > cron timer ???

  • Hey m8's,

    I'm a newbie when it comes to mixing these 3 steps up.

    I have never done it..

    Outcast: I am running a website with 198,000 members, each member can PM another member a max of 25 messages per a day. After they hit 25 messages a day they are blocked from sending any more.

    I did not program this site and I have no clue how to fix this.

    So What i have done was found a MYSQL Query that i can run and it resets them to 0.

    Now knowing that, I want to know how i can put the query code:

    UPDATE members SET messages=0 WHERE member_id;

    Once that sql query is executed the messages reset and they can send them again.

    I want to know if some one can help me make this "query SQL" a php script. So i can set a Cron Job for everyday at 12am.

    If you know of a easier better way please let me know.


  • Is there a reason this can't be a SQL job that runs everyday?

  • bwoulfe (12/20/2011)

    Is there a reason this can't be a SQL job that runs everyday?

    Not sure how to do that, It's a linux server, I have no access to phpadmin on the host their not nice people.

    I use "Remote DB Editor" for "MYSQL". What can I use to do this? Is their a php script etc. Where i dont have to install a new DB. I am out of space for new DB's!

  • Wow, big oversight on my part. I missed the part where you said this is a MySQL database. Sorry, I only have limited experience in that realm. This is a SQL Server forum. I'm not saying you won't find someone here that can help you, it's just that you might have better success on a forum dedicated to those types of environments.

  • bwoulfe (12/20/2011)

    Wow, big oversight on my part. I missed the part where you said this is a MySQL database. Sorry, I only have limited experience in that realm. This is a SQL Server forum. I'm not saying you won't find someone here that can help you, it's just that you might have better success on a forum dedicated to those types of environments.

    WOw, OVERSIGHT!! on me!;

    Didnt realise their was a big diff. Im a newbie but thanks.

  • Do the owners of this 198k-member website realize how much trouble they're in? :unsure:

    How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics.

  • I want to know if some one can help me make this "query SQL" a php script. So i can set a Cron Job for everyday at 12am.

    If you know of a easier better way please let me know.


    Is this the intended behaviour of this site though. As there are so many sites out there that limit the amount of times a user can send messages to each other in order that they then sign up and have to pay money to continue being able to send messages

    There is a way to do what you want but first I would check with the owners of the website what the intended behaviour is.

  • DemonicKat78 (12/23/2011)

    I want to know if some one can help me make this "query SQL" a php script. So i can set a Cron Job for everyday at 12am.

    If you know of a easier better way please let me know.


    Is this the intended behaviour of this site though. As there are so many sites out there that limit the amount of times a user can send messages to each other in order that they then sign up and have to pay money to continue being able to send messages

    There is a way to do what you want but first I would check with the owners of the website what the intended behaviour is.


  • Dev (12/23/2011)

    DemonicKat78 (12/23/2011)

    I want to know if some one can help me make this "query SQL" a php script. So i can set a Cron Job for everyday at 12am.

    If you know of a easier better way please let me know.


    Is this the intended behaviour of this site though. As there are so many sites out there that limit the amount of times a user can send messages to each other in order that they then sign up and have to pay money to continue being able to send messages

    There is a way to do what you want but first I would check with the owners of the website what the intended behaviour is.


    Dude, WTH are you talking about? im sorry im so confused lol

    This has nothing to do with this site at all!! Has to do with mine.

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