SQL Mail

  • What is wrong with installing Outlook on a SQL box for alerts, xp_sendmail, etc.? In many articles and books (i.e. Brian Knights Exp. DBAs) there are comments about how many DBA's wouldn't think of installing this on a SQL box.  But after searching the forums here and at SQL Mag. it appears that a lot of people are using it.  What are the security risks associated with using the MAPI that Outlook provides and are there ways to avoid them during configuration?

    Thanks for any input

  • Problems with installing Outlook on a SQL Server? What a load of rubbish!

    I have been a SQL Server DBA for 5 years and have followed the process of installing Outlook on a SQL Server to get SQL Mail working and have not had a problem. It's all explained in BOL on how to setup SQL Mail.

    Kindest Regards,

  • I also have used it for ......   well, anyway.    One of the problems with SQL Mail is that it's not the most reliable on earth.  It also doesn't have a lot of features.  For alerts though, why reinvent the wheel.  I don't have any problems using other mail solutions for SQL Server; however, for basic alerts I just stick to what Microsoft provides.  Just be aware of the issues with it.  Always stop and restart the SQLMail service if anything changes on the Exchange server for example.  Run a periodic test to make sure it's working also.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • I've always had Outlook installed on our SQL Server box with no problems.  But recently I had to uninstall Outlook due to it conflicting with some other software we installed.  However, now I can not get SQL Agent Mail to send mail.  I can successfully stop and start the mapi profile in the SQL Agent properties box and SQL Mail works fine.  But I believe I need to set up a new mail profile for SQL Agent.  Does anyone know of any other mail programs that would work with SQL Agent Mail other than Outlook?


  • Check out MS KB article 311231. FAQ's on SQL Mail config.

  • I have it installed on my SQL boxes, and while there are problems from time to time which cause me to have to restart the server, the only thing that does cause that, overall I'm very happy with the combination.

  • After intitially having a bit of grief with it (NT vs Win2K servers, WMS or no WMS, etc.) I have had it up and working well for a couple of years now.

    Follow the MS Knowledge Base recommendation to the letter. Read them twice, if you have too.

    G. Milner

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