• I have 2 jobs in my server one is new created. Well my old job was runnning till august 12, its a daily maintenence job. But now I am seeing the job is doing nothing, neither its running or its failing, evrything is enabled. Same thing happend in my new created job. When i view job acitivity monitor it shows "not scheduled" in column "next run".

    But my jobs are well scheduled. Anyone gone through this kind of issues.

    Please let me know.

  • is your sql agent service running?

  • I am connected through client tool, so cant say, but I can expand sql server agent and there is a green light on in sql server agent, further more I can view job properties also, I think sql service agent should be running, without it I should not be able to view job properties right? I am not 100 percent sure.

  • the green arrow pretty much says it's running, so the next thing to check would be job history... did all steps in the jobs run?

  • If the job is not scheduled, then either of the following has happened.

    1) Someone removed the schedule in the maintenance plan

    a) Open the maintenance plan in SSMS and verify that the subplan is scheduled

    2) Someone disabled (or removed) the schedule from the agent job

    a) Open the agent job and verify that the schedule still exists and is enabled

    3) The schedule was modified and set with an end time

    a) Check to see if an end time has been set in the maintenance plan or the agent job.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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    Managing Transaction Logs

  • Occasionally, the SQL Server agent get a error and no jobs will run. Check the Agent log, either by looking at the file SQLAGENT.OUT or using Enterprise Manager by right clicking on the agent and pick 'Display Error Log" option.

    The solution is to restart the agent service.

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Well it doesnt show anything is job history in a new created job, in other hand on other job the job history shows that job has been successfuly run in 12th august.

  • I have reviewed everything, and everything is upto date

  • what happens if you run the job(s) manually?

  • I haven't tried this one, well this is a prod server and I am thinking to start manually during off hour. Well I found in sql error log that "sql service agent is terminated normally" on 13th of august. But I am not able to access the server so cant have specific knowledge from client tool.

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