Sql case statements..

  • Hi Gurus..

    I am trying to write a sql case statement that will filter as follows:

    My lack of syntax knowledge on sql case is getting me no where.. any ideas..



    (@BeginDate  datetime,

     @EndDate     datetime,

     @DateFilter  int


    SELECT      a.filentumber,


         c.CompletionDate AS FirstCompletionDate,

         d.CompletionDate AS SecondCompletionDate


        FROM Files a

         INNER JOIN FileSteps c

          on c.filenumber= a.filenumber

         INNER JOIN FileSteps  d on d.filenumber = c.filenumber

    ( Case @DateFilter

    when 0


           then c.CompletionDate  between  @BeginDate AND @EndDate

            And d.CompletionDate  between   @BeginDate AND @EndDate      

    when 1 

            then c.CompletionDate between  @BeginDate AND @EndDate

    when 2 

           then d.CompletionDate between   @BeginDate   AND @EndDate




  • The case statement is used in the select clause not the join clause. i think what you are trying to do is accomplished by the following code.


    (@BeginDate datetime,

    @EndDate datetime,

    @DateFilter int


    SELECT a.filentumber,


    c.CompletionDate AS FirstCompletionDate,

    d.CompletionDate AS SecondCompletionDate

    FROM Files a

    INNER JOIN FileSteps c

    on c.filenumber= a.filenumber

    INNER JOIN FileSteps d on d.filenumber = c.filenumber


    (@DateFilter = 0 and c.CompletionDate between @BeginDate AND @EndDate And d.CompletionDate between @BeginDate AND @EndDate)

    or (@DateFilter = 1 and c.CompletionDate between @BeginDate AND @EndDate)

    or (@DateFilter = 2 and d.CompletionDate between @BeginDate AND @EndDate)


  • "The case statement is used in the select clause not the join clause"

    I have to disagree with this statement. There is nothing syntax wise preventing you from using CASE  in JOIN or WHERE clause.

    You may have to find a good DB design or business logic reason to use it but it works and gives you quite few nice SQL tricks to have fun with. 

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

  • I'd argue that the design is flawed

    The intention is to query data on 1 or both dates - so give the sproc the parameters it needs, or leave them null if that date is irrelvant to the search.


    (@FirstBeginDate  datetime = null,

     @FirstEndDate     datetime = null,

     @SecondBeginDate  datetime = null,

     @SecondEndDate  datetime = null


    SELECT a.filentumber,


           c.CompletionDate AS FirstCompletionDate,

           d.CompletionDate AS SecondCompletionDate 

    FROM Files a

    INNER JOIN FileSteps c

      ON c.filenumber= a.filenumber

    INNER JOIN FileSteps  d

      ON d.filenumber = c.filenumber

    WHERE  (c.CompletionDate >= @FirstBeginDate OR @FirstBeginDate Is Null )

    AND    (c.CompletionDate <= @FirstEndDate OR @FirstEndDate Is Null )

    AND    (d.CompletionDate >= @SecondBeginDate OR @SecondBeginDate Is Null )

    AND    (d.CompletionDate <= @SecondEndDate OR @SecondEndDate Is Null )


  • Thanks Chris

    for a solution.. For all other posts agreed sql case in where clause is neat trick that is where I was hoping for correction on syntax.. So instead of making recommendations it's best to show results..

  • Well, Chris gave you an example that worked so there was no need for fixing the syntax of your code since in this case the usage of CASE was not justified and probably not even doable.

    I just stated you can use CASE in JOINs and WHERE clauses when applicable, CASE is not limited to SELECT.

    [font="Verdana"]Nothing is impossible.
    It is just a matter of time and money.[/font]

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