SQL Binaries and TempDB on a separate

  • Our IT people set up a server and installed SQL Server 2008R2 putting the SQL binaries on its own 100GB drive\partition (sorry for the ignorance, but I don't know how the SAN is setup and finding out would take longer than I have). Anyways we didn't ask for that.

    So my options are to tell them to put the binaries on C with the OS or

    leave it where it is and put TempDB on that drive with it. Of course I feel like TempDB being by itself would be best. With 100 GB on that drive, I was thinking it was ok to leave SQL installed there and just presize tempdb to maybe 50GB, currently it is only around 4GB for both the data and log files.

    Any suggestions on how to handle this?

  • to add on, what is the risk of uninstalling SQL Server to move it to a different drive. I'm thinking when you install there is always some residuals in the registry.

  • I would suggest completely reconfiguring and reinstalling the system from scratch. I'd even nuke the operating system and start over. You don't want to deal long term with any kind of residual stuff from moving the installation, especially on a production system. And yes, putting tempdb on it's on drive is a good thing. Also separating the data from the operating system drive as well as the logs from the data, all good things. I/O is the slowest part of the system. Throwing more drives and drive controllers at the problem is a great way around it.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Thanks. The IT staff moved the install but didn't start from scratch. Said they were running apps to make sure everything was cleaned up before the re-install because i asked about residuals.

    final set up

    C - os/sql binaries

    D - page (still not sure if page files are necessary if you have enough mem)

    E - Data

    F - Log

    G - Temp

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