SQL Agent mail sends messages with delay

  • Hello,

    I have set up SQL Agent mail to send mails via a Microsoft Outlook profile. Unfotunatelly it does not send them, until I open the Outlook and press send and receive. Also I can open the Outlook only when the SQL Agent service is stopped, because otherwise I get error that data folders are in use.

    How can I make SQL Agent mail to send me alerts immediately when a job is completed?



  • this is a mail issue and not SQL agent.

    is your outlook mai (mapi) profile set up to connect to an exchange server on the same network, or is this a home machine that connects to a smtp or pop3 maili service via the internet?

    what mail client are you using (outlook, outlook express? 2000? 2003?)


  • My machine is a Windows 2003 server that connects to SMTP via the internet. I am using Microsoft Outlook 2002.

    The mails from the server jobs are send when I open the Microsoft Outlook on the server, not on the time the jobs are finished.

  • you need to speak to whever supports you email - but it looks like since your mail is via the internet it will only "send and receive" when you open it

    it may be that you can configure outlook or the mail service to auto send and receive even if hte app is not open.

    as i said it's not an SQL issue it's outlook and your mail server


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