SQL 64bit memory

  • 1) lock pages in memory has no effect on other than enterprise edition of sql server.

    2) watch pages/sec counter in perf mon to see if stuff is being flushed to disk. if it is, too much mem is allocated (probably by sql server)

    3) I would bet that 13 or 13.5gb may be better for max for sql server. there are a lot of ancillary memory needs beyond the buffer pool.

    4) I agree that page file settings are antiquated with large memory machines. I would investigate/test as someone else suggested turning off os paging for optimal performance.

    5) note that there is an INCREDIBLE array of things that can make users say "my stuff is slow". study performance tuning, take a class or two, hire a pro to give you a performance review and some mentoring.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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