SQL 6.5 - Alias

  • I am getting the following error when trying to give a login access to a database:

    Error 15022: [SQL Server] The specified user name is already aliased.

    How could it be already aliased?

  • I tried to drop and re-create the login, but could NOT. It is telling me that it is aliased to one or more databases. I noticed that it is aliased in Master, but couldn't remove it.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • open the "client network utility" program (cliconfg.exe) from the start menu. take a look at (depending on your version) either a tab called "Aliases" or a list of aliased servers. maybe your box is already contained there.

    best regards,


  • user aliases are in table sysalternates. verify this table and chech the ids against the syslogins. You can use sp_dropalias to drop the user alias or manually deleting it from the sysalternates tables provided that the user does not own any objects

  • Thanks for the input. I will try that...

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