SQL 2106 and Compatibility levels

  • Hi everyone

    Wondered if anyone has any useful tips or experiences of deploying SQL 2016 and then setting Compatibility back to 2012 for certain databases?

    Interested in deploying SQL 2016 but the business may not be so keen at this stage. My compromise would be to set up DEV system using SQL 2016 and then copy SQL 2012 databases over , and set Compatibility level to SQL 2012 so testing can be done.

    When tested completed , next step would be to set Compatibility to SQL 2016 and run same set of tests.

    That way business has reassurance SQL 2012 databases can still be used in a SQL 2016 environment , which also give us the option to move to 2106 when both sets of test done.

    Any one done this , got any ideas of how to sell to business users and Devs as an approach to take ?

    Any Microsoft links would be good , found a few such as : https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb510680.aspx

    Views from those doing \ done it would be appreciated.

    thanks all

  • Apologies , that should read SQL 2016 and Compatibility levels

  • MickyD (12/19/2016)

    Apologies , that should read SQL 2016 and Compatibility levels

    Either that, or you've traveled 90 years into the past... 😉

  • MickyD (12/19/2016)

    Any one done this , got any ideas of how to sell to business users and Devs as an approach to take ?

    For the performance testing, use Query Store. Turn it on, run your tests, change the compat mode, run your tests and then use the regressed query report to see what queries suffer from the cardinality estimator changes.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

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    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass

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