SQL 2008 R2 Error 916

  • Yesterday I upgraded one of my SQL 2005 boxes to SQL 2008 R2. The upgrade went perfect and eveything worked fine. The issue came this morning. I had a schedule job that runs every morning. The job runs as another user and now I'm getting an error. The error says:

    "Executed as user: sde. Opening master list of databases cursor [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) Inserting update statements for "FRANKLINGIS" database into temp table "#tables" [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 0) The server principal "sde" is not able to access the database "franklingis" under the current security context. [SQLSTATE 08004] (Error 916). The step failed."

    This is the script that I'm running:

    declare @command varchar(255),

    @database varchar(30),

    @table varchar(50),

    @fetch_inner int,

    @fetch_outer int

    --Temp table to process new tables

    create table #tables (name varchar(100))

    --Declare cursor to loop over all databases with SDE data

    declare curdb cursor for select distinct database_name from sde.sde.sde_layers where database_name <> 'SDE' union select 'SDE'

    print 'Opening master list of databases cursor'

    print ''

    --Open cursor and perform initial fetch

    open curdb

    fetch curdb into @database

    --Save fetch status to local variable

    select @fetch_outer = @@fetch_status

    while @fetch_outer = 0


    --For each database, build a command to select all the tables

    select @command = 'SELECT ''[''+ ' + @database + '.dbo.sysusers.name' + ' + ''].['' + ' +

    @database + '.dbo.sysobjects.name + '']'' AS NAME

    from ' + @database + '.dbo.sysobjects , '

    + @database + '.dbo.sysusers

    where ' + @database + '.dbo.sysobjects.uid = ' + @database + '.dbo.sysusers.uid

    and xtype = ''U'''

    -- print @command

    print 'Inserting update statements for "' + @database + '" database into temp table "#tables" '

    insert into #tables exec(@command)

    --Declare inner cursor to process each table

    declare curtables cursor for select name from #tables

    print 'Opening "#tables" table cursor for database: ' + @database

    open curtables

    fetch curtables into @table

    --Save fetch status into local variable

    select @fetch_inner = @@fetch_status

    -- execute each record in the table

    while @fetch_inner = 0


    print 'Updating stats on [' + @database + '].' + @table

    select @command = 'update statistics [' + @database + '].' + @table


    -- print @command

    fetch curtables into @table

    select @fetch_inner = @@fetch_status


    --Cleanup temp table and cursor

    print ''

    print 'Truncating "' + @database + '" records from "#tables" table and deallocating tables cursor'

    truncate table #tables

    close curtables

    deallocate curtables

    print 'Fetching the next database'

    fetch curdb into @database

    select @fetch_outer = @@fetch_status


    --Clean up

    print 'Final cleanup'

    close curdb

    deallocate curdb

    drop table #tables


    Any ideas?

  • Just so that I'm clear, I never had an issue with this job running under 2005.

    Thanks again!


  • Just as an update to this. I've tried running it as SA and a couple other accounts, with the same results. This make sense, since the sde account is a dbo and sysadmin.

  • Found the solution here:


  • Hi Jordan ,

    Even I am having the same issue , I am getting this error on SQL SERVER 2008 R2 . I have looked into the fix URL .

    I could not find . can I know what was fix for this issue.Your help is much appreciated.



  • murali.jillellamudi 85871 (6/13/2011)

    Hi Jordan ,

    Even I am having the same issue , I am getting this error on SQL SERVER 2008 R2 . I have looked into the fix URL .

    I could not find . can I know what was fix for this issue.Your help is much appreciated.




    I just did what was in this link:


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