SQL 2000 SP3

  • Yesterday we created a new Win2K server with SP3 already on it. I attempted to install SQL Server 2000 on it and it failed because of MDAC. We could not find much about the error on Knowledge base so we decided to reimage the server as Win2K Sp2. The install on SQL Server 2000 went fine then. Then I installed SQL Sp3. Does SP3 for Windows 2000 put MDAC 2.7 on a server?

  • We have a cluster that has successfully had sp2 installed, but sp3 crashes before getting to the user validation screen with an "invalid handle" error, and it goes no further. I have read the notes from MS regarding installation on a cluster, but no help.

  • Not that I am aware of. I believe Windows 2000 stays at MDAC 2.5. And in any case, SQL Server 2000 SP 3 uses MDAC 2.7 SP1 which may need to be installed manually even on a system already running MDAC 2.7. I know some folks had issues who were on Windows XP SP1. When they manually installed MDAC 2.7 SP 1 they were fine.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • Brian,

    Error I am getting is after service pak3 installation. Upgrade worked correctly with SP2, but after SP3 install, started failing at Export Import Via Named pipe though objects are successfully created in SQL 2000. Error message is similar to described in 302850, but line number and code are different.



  • I've got a strange problem that has occured after an SP3 install.

    All my SQL Servers, including my Lap top install are at SP3. All are running fine.

    If I use EM on my laptop to access any of my servers EXCEPT the instance on the laptop.

    If I try and access my lap top instance the MSSQLSERVER service instantly shuts down. If I tell the service to start from within EM it does so, but now under databases I see (No items...)

    The databases on my lap top seem to be OK. I can use SQL Query Analyser and all my apps work.

    I can't understand why EM lets me see other servers but not my local one!

  • I have 4 SQL Servers all running SP2, after reading the various posts I am now unsure whether to apply SP3 now or wait a while. Any advice would be welcome.

  • I ran CC.exe and get the following MDAC error on oledb32.dll:

    Field 'FileVersion' mismatch: Expect '2.71.9030.0 built by: Lab06_N(dagbuild)' Got '2.71.9031.4 built by: Lab06_N(dagbuild)'

    I run XP SP1 and have installed SQL2K SP3. I tried manually installing MDAC 2.7 (ms.com/data), but I get the same message. is CC.exe up to date?


    Grouping a few of these together:

    • If you run into the authentication issue, try installing MDAC 2.7 SP1 from http://www.microsoft.com/data and then re-attempt the service pack. MDAC installations with service packs seem to be fraught with issues.
    • When rolling back, here's the procedure: uninstall SQL Server, reinstall SQL Server, bring it back up the previous service pack, hot fix, restore system databases. I believe the user databases can be reattached... I don't remember SP 3 doing anything to change them. To be safe, make sure you have full backups before applying SP 3.
    • The Taskpad view is a big annoyance, and the typical advice has already been stated here: switch to a view other than Taskpad and switch back.
    • natasreeni, are you failing on the upgrade from SQL 6.5 to 2000 or in the applying of SP 3 after you've upgraded?

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    Edited by - bkelley on 02/10/2003 07:10:32 AM

  • The oledb32.dll version appears to be slightly newer (.4 versus .0) so perhaps Component Checker hasn't been updated as of yet.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • We've installed SP3 on several servers with no real issues, but hit a serious snag on one.

    There is a bug somewhere in dealing with the statement cache that causes an exception-access-violation on certain queries. The problem was actually introduced in the repackaged Slammer patch (the late January version) and is also in SP3.

    We've had Microsoft confirm it, reproduce it (with a copy of our database), and a bug report was to be filed today.

    It is very rare -- we cannot reproduce it on demand (but once we get a situation where it happens it is 100% reproducible, i.e. it is data dependent, and data arrangement dependent in some fashion).

    I don't offer this to suggest you not install SP3 -- we are continuing to install it with good results. But if you happen to start getting crashes with access violations, check into this with PSS.

  • I've installed sql2ksp3 with success, but DTS gave me headaches. All worked but those connecting to DB2 UDB V7.2 (rtm version). Contacted pss and it took a couple of days before the problem had been deducted to a flaw in the DB2 UDB V7.2 ODBC driver. After installing the latest fixpac for udb-client that worked fine, but I had to alter _all_ the DB-OLE-db connections to be able to show the properties without getting an error (unspecified).


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  • Natasreeni - I've got the same problem. Please read


    Initially, it looked like an upgrade problem which is why I posted in the Administration forum but it seems it could be a SP3 issue. At this moment, SQL2000 with SP2 is being re-installed so I can re-try the upgrade. I'll post the results in the link above.

    If you have any further information, please post a reply.

  • Tim - MS PSS advised me to try upgrade using cnv6x70.dll (shipped with RTM version) instead of SP3 version. This dll can be found in COM folder. I tried couple of upgrades, it is working.



  • Sreeni - Good to read that you have a solution. My upgrades are also working with SP2 + security fix

  • Hi guys. I totally envy you 'cuz you're already running sp3 while I can't even update to SP3 due to some errors.

    I have SQL2k enterprise in my .NET Server 2003 RC2 and SQL2k Personal on one of the workstations. Everytime I install SP3, I got the following error right after the copyinf of the files


    A service constrol operation failed for the MSSQLSERVER service 193


    followed by


    An error occured starting the service to build system catalog.


    After that, Windows reported that Query Analyzer and Service Manager were not valid Win32 apps. I thought this had something to do with the fact that I am running .NET Server RC2 so I tried it on XP with sql2k personal ed. Exactly the same things happened. I do not have any problem with RC2 at all.

    Edited by - bani on 03/04/2003 01:19:09 AM

    "The way to get things done is not to mind who gets the credit for doing them." - Benjamin Howett

  • Bani - I had the similar issue on Win2000 with SP2. I noticed after this message, sqlsrvr.exe disappeared somehow. I did two things

    1. connected through NT Authentication

    2. I won't stop any services that service pak reports already running to avoid reboot.

    After this installation I never faced missing SQLSRVR.exe issue.

    Hope this helps.


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