SQL 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4) Installation Hangs !!!

  • Hi All,

    I am having a weird problem installing SQL Service Pack4 on a machine that has just SQL Server 2000 Standard edition.

    The issue is: I have a clean machine on which I had SQL Server 2000 (no service pack installed) on it. For some reason, I uninstalled SQL Server 2000 and then restarted the machine.

    After restarting I installed SQL Server 2000 and restarted. Now when I am trying to install the recently released (12th May 2005) Service Pack 4, the Installation is hanging at this point.

    From the log file : (I opened the SQLSP.log file from Windows folder)


    16:35:08 Begin Setup

    16:35:08 Version on Media: 8.00.2039

    16:35:08 Mode = Normal

    16:35:08 ModeType = NORMAL

    16:35:09 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L1)

    16:35:09 Begin: SetupInitialize()

    16:35:09 End: SetupInitialize()

    16:35:09 Begin:  CheckFixedRequirements()

    16:35:09 Platform ID: 0xf0000000

    16:35:09 Version: 5.0.2195

    16:35:09 File Version - C:\WINNT\system32\shdocvw.dll: 6.0.2800.1106

    16:35:09 End:  CheckFixedRequirements()

    16:35:09 Begin Action:  CheckRequirements

    16:35:09 Processor Architecture: x86 (Pentium)

    16:35:09 Service Pack:  1024

    16:35:09 ComputerName: EAF-INSTALL

    16:35:09 User Name: Administrator

    16:35:09 IsAllAccessAllowed returned: 1

    16:35:09 OS Language: 0x409

    16:35:09 End Action CheckRequirements

    16:35:09 CreateSetupTopology(EAF-INSTALL), Handle : 0x18d3a00, returned : 0

    16:35:09 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x18d3a00

    16:35:09 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0

    16:35:09 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x18d4358

    16:35:09 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0

    16:35:09 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88008225

    16:35:09 PN_StartScan [0x18d4358] returned : 0

    16:35:09 PN_GetNext [0x18d4358] returned : 0, Handle: [0x18d48e8]

    16:35:09 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x18d48e8] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x3

    16:35:09 SQLI_GetVersion [0x18d48e8] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194

    16:35:09 PN_GetNext [0x18d4358] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]

    16:35:09 ReleaseSetupTopology

    16:35:09 This combination of Package and Operating System allows a full product install.

    16:35:09 Begin:  SetupInstall()

    16:35:09 Reading Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CommonFilesDir ...

    16:35:09 CommonFilesDir=C:\Program Files\Common Files

    16:35:09 Windows Directory=C:\WINNT\

    16:35:09 Program Files=C:\Program Files\

    16:35:09 TEMPDIR=C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\

    16:35:09 End:  SetupInstall()

    16:35:09 Begin:  ShowDialogs()

    16:35:09 Initial Dialog Mask: 0x8300037, Disable Back=0x1

    16:35:09 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1

    16:35:09 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdWelcome

    16:35:17 End Action  DialogShowSdWelcome

    16:35:17 Dialog 0x1 returned: 1

    16:35:17 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:35:17 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2,index=1

    16:35:17 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2

    16:35:17 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdMachineName

    16:35:17 ShowDlgMachine returned: 1

    16:35:17 Name = EAF-INSTALL, Type = 0x1

    16:35:17 End Action  DialogShowSdMachineName

    16:35:17 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:35:17 nFullMask = 0x8300037, nCurrent = 0x2, nDirection = 0

    16:35:17 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbf00035, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:35:17 Dialog 0x2 returned: 0

    16:35:17 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:35:17 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x4,index=2

    16:35:17 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x4

    16:35:17 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstallMode

    16:35:17 ShowDlgInstallMode returned: 1

    16:35:17 InstallMode : 0x2

    16:35:17 End Action  DialogShowSdInstallMode

    16:35:17 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:35:17 nFullMask = 0xbf00035, nCurrent = 0x4, nDirection = 1

    16:35:17 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb000627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:35:17 Dialog 0x4 returned: 1

    16:35:17 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:35:17 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x20,index=5

    16:35:17 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x20

    16:35:17 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdLicense

    16:35:17 End Action DialogShowSdLicense

    16:35:17 Dialog 0x20 returned: 1

    16:35:17 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:35:17 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x200,index=9

    16:35:17 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x200

    16:35:17 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdInstanceName

    16:35:17 Begin Action: ShowDlgInstanceName

    16:35:18 Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion\CSDVersionNumber key not found, no SP installed

    16:35:18 The language on the CD is 1033 and installed is 1033

    16:35:18 End Action : Verify Language

    16:35:18 SKU is : Enterprise Edition

    16:35:18 End Action: ShowDlgInstanceName

    16:35:18 ShowDlgInstanceName returned : 0

    16:35:18 InstanceName : MSSQLSERVER

    16:35:18 End Action  DialogShowSdInstanceName

    16:35:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:35:18 nFullMask = 0xb000627, nCurrent = 0x200, nDirection = 0

    16:35:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xbc00627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:35:18 Dialog 0x200 returned: 0

    16:35:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:35:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x400,index=10

    16:35:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x400

    16:35:18 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdMaintain

    16:35:18 ShowDlgMaintainInstall returned : 1

    16:35:18 Type : 0xc

    16:35:18 CreateSetupTopology(EAF-INSTALL), Handle : 0x18d51f0, returned : 0

    16:35:18 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x18d51f0

    16:35:18 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0

    16:35:18 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x18d5250

    16:35:18 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0

    16:35:18 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88008225

    16:35:18 PN_GetInstance for MSSQLSERVER [0x18d5250] returned : 0

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x18d4358] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x3

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetVersion [0x18d4358] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetSQLStates for MSSQLSERVER [0x18d4358] returned : 0, SQLStates: 0x400205

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetInstallPath [0x18d4358] returned : 0, Path = C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetDataPath [0x18d4358] returned : 0, DataPath = C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetVersion [0x18d4358] returned : 0, Version = 8.00.194

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetRegKeyRoot [0x18d4358] returned : 0, RegKeyRoot = Software\Microsoft\MSSQLServer

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetPackageName [0x18d4358] returned : 0, szPackage = Enterprise Edition

    16:35:18 SQLI_GetPackageId [0x18d4358] returned : 0, PackageId = 0x3

    16:35:18 Previous Install Path:    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    16:35:18 Previous Install Data:    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    16:35:18 Previous Install Version: 8.00.194

    16:35:18 ReleaseSetupTopology

    16:35:18 End Action  DialogShowSdMaintain

    16:35:18 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:35:18 nFullMask = 0xbc00627, nCurrent = 0x400, nDirection = 1

    16:35:18 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:35:18 Dialog 0x400 returned: 1

    16:35:18 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:35:18 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000,index=13

    16:35:18 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000

    16:35:18 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdUpgrade

    16:35:18 ShowDlgUpgrade returned : 1

    16:35:18 Checking databases on instance 'MSSQLSERVER'

    16:35:18 Authenticate access

    16:35:18 Begin SDPassword Dialog

    16:35:19 End SDPassword Dialog

    16:35:19 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQLSERVER 

    16:35:34 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:35:34 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQLSERVER   -StartupOptions \-T4022

    16:35:45 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:35:45 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -n -d master -Q "exit" -o "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\sqlsp.out"  -E

    16:35:45 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:35:45 Begin: CheckSAPassword

    16:35:45 Begin: LogOnUsingBlankSA

    16:35:45 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -n -d master -o "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\sqlsp.out" -Q"Exit(declare @ret int if (select count(*) from master..syslogins where name='sa' AND ( (1 = pwd

    16:35:46 Process Exit Code: (9000)

    16:35:46 End: LogOnUsingBlankSA

    16:35:46 Begin: SdBlankPwd

    16:35:50 SetPwd

    16:35:50 End: SdBlankPwd

    16:35:50 End: CheckSAPassword

    16:35:50 Begin: SdShowSp3WrngDlg

    16:35:50 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -n -d master -o "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\sqlsp.out" -Q"Exit(declare @ret int if (select count(*) from msdb.dbo.systargetservers) = 0 Set @ret=0 else Set @ret=403 Select @ret)"  -E

    16:35:50 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:35:54 End: SdShowSp3WrngDlg

    16:35:54 Begin : SdErrorReportingDlg

    16:35:55 End: SdErrorReportingDlg

    16:35:55 Access authenticated

    16:35:55 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -n -b -d master -o "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\~sqldb0.txt" -i "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\dbverify.sql" -E

    16:35:56 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:35:56 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQLSERVER 

    16:36:11 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:36:11 Setup Type: Custom (303)

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\Install

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\System

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\Dat

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\DatSmpl

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\BaseSys

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\BaseBinn

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\BaseInst

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\UI

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\Perfmon

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\Root

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\EXE

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLProg\DLL

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\SEM

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\DTCCLi

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\UtilSys

    16:36:11 Processing: MgtTool\UtilBinn

    16:36:11 Processing: Connect

    16:36:11 Processing: Connect\ConnSys

    16:36:11 Processing: Books

    16:36:11 Processing: Books\Bookso

    16:36:11 Processing: DevTools

    16:36:11 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries

    16:36:11 Processing: DevTools\MDAC SDKs

    16:36:11 Processing: DevTools\VDI

    16:36:11 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\ADO

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\DBLIB

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\Desktop

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\DTS

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\ESQLC

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\Misc

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\MSDTC

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\ODBC

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\ODS

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\OLEAut

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\Repl

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\SilverstoneDB

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\SQLDMO

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\SQLNS

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\Utils

    16:36:11 Processing: Samples\XML

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreRepl

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreRepl\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreRepl\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: Core

    16:36:11 Processing: Core\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: Core\ResOther

    16:36:11 Processing: Repostry

    16:36:11 Processing: Repostry\RepstSys

    16:36:11 Processing: Repostry\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: Repostry\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreMisc

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreMisc\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: Monarch

    16:36:11 Processing: Monarch\Monr1033

    16:36:11 Processing: Monarch\MonrIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: Jet

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreInst

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreCOM

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreCOM\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreCOM\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreTool

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreTool\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: CoreTool\ResOther

    16:36:11 Processing: DBLibCli

    16:36:11 Processing: SFExt

    16:36:11 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX

    16:36:11 Processing: SFExt\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: SFExt\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: Trace

    16:36:11 Processing: Trace\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: Trace\ResOther

    16:36:11 Processing: CnctBinn

    16:36:11 Processing: MiscCore

    16:36:11 Processing: MC

    16:36:11 Processing: MC\MC1033

    16:36:11 Processing: MC\MCIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: MC\Help

    16:36:11 Processing: UI

    16:36:11 Processing: UI\UIHlp

    16:36:11 Processing: UI\UI1033

    16:36:11 Processing: UI\UIIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: ClstSys

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLMgr

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLMgr\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLMgr\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: SvrTool

    16:36:11 Processing: SvrTool\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: SvrTool\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: DTSUI

    16:36:11 Processing: DTSUI\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: DTSUI\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: ClFTSys

    16:36:11 Processing: ClFtdata

    16:36:11 Processing: MSOlap

    16:36:11 Processing: MSOlap\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: MSOlap\ResIntl

    16:36:11 Processing: ATL

    16:36:11 Processing: ATL\winnt

    16:36:11 Processing: ATL\win9x

    16:36:11 Processing: MFC42U

    16:36:11 Processing: VC

    16:36:11 Processing: VB

    16:36:11 Processing: OCX1

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLAdHlp

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLAdHlp\Res1033

    16:36:11 Processing: SQLAdHlp\ResOther

    16:36:11 Setup type: Custom

    16:36:11 End Action DialogShowSdUpgrade

    16:36:11 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:36:11 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x2000, nDirection = 1

    16:36:11 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:36:11 Dialog 0x2000 returned: 1

    16:36:11 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:36:11 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x1000000,index=24

    16:36:11 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x1000000

    16:36:11 Begin Action:  DlgCollation

    16:36:11 ShowDlgCollation returned: 1

    16:36:11 collation_name = SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS,locale_name = Latin1_General,lcid = 0x409,SortId = 52,dwCompFlags = 0x30001

    16:36:11 End Action DlgCollation

    16:36:11 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:36:11 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x1000000, nDirection = 1

    16:36:11 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:36:11 Dialog 0x1000000 returned: 1

    16:36:11 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:36:11 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x2000000,index=25

    16:36:11 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x2000000

    16:36:11 Begin Action:  DlgNetwork

    16:36:11 ShowDlgNetwork returned: 1

    16:36:11 [DlgServerNetwork]

    16:36:11 NetworkLibs = 255

    16:36:11 TCPPort = 1433

    16:36:11 TCPPrxy = Default

    16:36:11 NMPPipeName = \\.\pipe\sql\query

    16:36:11 Result = 1

    16:36:11 End Action DlgNetwork

    16:36:11 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:36:11 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x2000000, nDirection = 1

    16:36:11 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:36:11 Dialog 0x2000000 returned: 1

    16:36:11 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:36:11 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x8000000,index=27

    16:36:11 Begin Action ShowDialogsHlpr: 0x8000000

    16:36:11 Begin Action:  DialogShowSdStartCopy

    16:36:46 End Action DialogShowSdStartCopy

    16:36:46 begin ShowDialogsUpdateMask

    16:36:46 nFullMask = 0xb002627, nCurrent = 0x8000000, nDirection = 1

    16:36:46 Updated Dialog Mask: 0xb002627, Disable Back = 0x1

    16:36:46 Dialog 0x8000000 returned: 1

    16:36:46 End Action ShowDialogsHlpr

    16:36:46 ShowDialogsGetDialog returned: nCurrent=0x0,index=0

    16:36:46 End: ShowDialogs()

    16:36:46 Initializing Event Log

    16:36:46 Begin Action : LogEvent

    16:36:46 End Action : LogEvent

    16:36:46 Begin:  ProcessBeforeDataMove()

    16:36:47 DeinstallStart returned (C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL): 0

    16:36:47 End:  ProcessBeforeDataMove()

    16:36:47 Begin:  SetToolsComponentSelection()

    16:36:47 CreateSetupTopology(EAF-INSTALL), Handle : 0x18d3a00, returned : 0

    16:36:47 CreateSetupTopology returned : 0, Handle : 0x18d3a00

    16:36:47 Topology Type : 1, Return Value : 0

    16:36:47 ST_GetPhysicalNode returned : 0, PNHandle : 0x18d4c90

    16:36:47 PN_EnumerateEx returned : 0

    16:36:47 PN_GetSQLStates returned : 0, SqlStates : 0x88008225

    16:36:47 PN_StartScan [0x18d4c90] returned : 0

    16:36:47 PN_GetNext [0x18d4c90] returned : 18, Handle: [0x0]

    16:36:47 No more items in enumeration.

    16:36:47 ReleaseSetupTopology

    16:36:47 End:  SetToolsComponentSelection()

    16:36:47 Begin:  ProcessComponentSelection()

    16:36:47 End:  ProcessComponentSelection()

    16:36:47 Begin:  LogSelectedComponents()

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMh

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMh

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMX86Lb

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMX86Lb

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMALb

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMALb

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Rs1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\Rs1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\RsIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\RsIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\System

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\System

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson\Watson1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson\Watson1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson\WatsonOther

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson\WatsonOther

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\UpgTools

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\UpgSys

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\UpgTools\UpgSys

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\UpgTools\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\UpgTools\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\ResOther

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\UpgTools\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\Resld

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\UpgTools\Resld

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\ReplSupp

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\ReplDat

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\ReplSupp\ReplDat

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepComm

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepComm

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepNoDk

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepNoDk

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\ReplSupp\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Install

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\Install

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\System

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\System

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SvrExt

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SvrExt\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt\SvrExtRs

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SvrExt\SvrExtRs

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\SvrExt\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Dat

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\DatSmpl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\BaseSys

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\BaseSys

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\BaseBinn

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\BaseBinn

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\MSSearch

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\MSSearch\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\MSSearch\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\BaseInst

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\BaseInst

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UI

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\Symbols

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols\EXE

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\Symbols\EXE

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols\DLL

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\Symbols\DLL

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Perfmon

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\Perfmon

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Perfmon\System

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLProg\Perfmon\System

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Root

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\EXE

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\DLL

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\HTML

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\HTML

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98SYS

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98SYS

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Res

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Res

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Hlp

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Hlp

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98RsI

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98RsI

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\Scripts

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\Scripts

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7Res

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7Res

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7RsI

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7RsI

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Profiler

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Profiler\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Profiler\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Profiler\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Qryanlz

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Qryanlz\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Qryanlz\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Qryanlz\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\DTCCLi

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\DTCCLi

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Wzcnflct

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnHlp

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnHlp

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\Wzcn1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\Wzcn1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnOthr

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnOthr

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnCmn

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnCmn

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\UtilSys

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\UtilSys

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\UtilBinn

    16:36:47 Selected: MgtTool\UtilBinn

    16:36:47 Processing: Connect

    16:36:47 Selected: Connect

    16:36:47 Processing: Connect\ConnSys

    16:36:47 Selected: Connect\ConnSys

    16:36:47 Processing: Books

    16:36:47 Selected: Books

    16:36:47 Processing: Books\Bookso

    16:36:47 Selected: Books\Bookso

    16:36:47 Processing: Books\Bookso\Utils

    16:36:47 Selected: Books\Bookso\Utils

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools

    16:36:47 Selected: DevTools

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\Include

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\Libx86

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\LibAlpha

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\ESQLC

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\MDAC SDKs

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\VDI

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\VDI\Inc

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\VDI\Samples

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int

    16:36:47 Selected: DevTools\Dbg Int

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int\Dbg Int Common

    16:36:47 Selected: DevTools\Dbg Int\Dbg Int Common

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int\EXE

    16:36:47 Selected: DevTools\Dbg Int\EXE

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ADO

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\DBLIB

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Desktop

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\DTS

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ESQLC

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Misc

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\MSDTC

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ODBC

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ODS

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\OLEAut

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Repl

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\SilverstoneDB

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\SQLDMO

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\SQLNS

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Utils

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\XML

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreRepl

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreRepl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreRepl\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreRepl\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreRepl\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreRepl\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: Core

    16:36:47 Selected: Core

    16:36:47 Processing: Core\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: Core\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Core\ResOther

    16:36:47 Selected: Core\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry

    16:36:47 Selected: Repostry

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry\RepstSys

    16:36:47 Selected: Repostry\RepstSys

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: Repostry\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: Repostry\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreMisc

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreMisc\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreMisc\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreMisc\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreMisc\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Monarch

    16:36:47 Selected: Monarch

    16:36:47 Processing: Monarch\Monr1033

    16:36:47 Selected: Monarch\Monr1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Monarch\MonrIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: Monarch\MonrIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: Jet

    16:36:47 Selected: Jet

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreInst

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreInst

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreCOM

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreCOM

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreCOM\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreCOM\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreCOM\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreCOM\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreTool

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreTool

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreTool\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreTool\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreTool\ResOther

    16:36:47 Selected: CoreTool\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: DBLibCli

    16:36:47 Selected: DBLibCli

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt

    16:36:47 Selected: SFExt

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Selected: SFExt\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SFExt\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SFExt\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SFExt\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SFExt\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: Trace

    16:36:47 Selected: Trace

    16:36:47 Processing: Trace\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: Trace\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Trace\ResOther

    16:36:47 Selected: Trace\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: CnctBinn

    16:36:47 Processing: MiscCore

    16:36:47 Selected: MiscCore

    16:36:47 Processing: MC

    16:36:47 Selected: MC

    16:36:47 Processing: MC\MC1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MC\MC1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MC\MCIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MC\MCIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MC\Help

    16:36:47 Selected: MC\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: UI

    16:36:47 Processing: UI\UIHlp

    16:36:47 Processing: UI\UI1033

    16:36:47 Processing: UI\UIIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: ClstSys

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLMgr

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLMgr

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLMgr\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLMgr\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLMgr\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLMgr\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SvrTool

    16:36:47 Selected: SvrTool

    16:36:47 Processing: SvrTool\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SvrTool\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SvrTool\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: SvrTool\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: DTSUI

    16:36:47 Selected: DTSUI

    16:36:47 Processing: DTSUI\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: DTSUI\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: DTSUI\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: DTSUI\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: ClFTSys

    16:36:47 Processing: ClFtdata

    16:36:47 Processing: MSOlap

    16:36:47 Selected: MSOlap

    16:36:47 Processing: MSOlap\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: MSOlap\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MSOlap\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Selected: MSOlap\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: ATL

    16:36:47 Selected: ATL

    16:36:47 Processing: ATL\winnt

    16:36:47 Selected: ATL\winnt

    16:36:47 Processing: ATL\win9x

    16:36:47 Selected: ATL\win9x

    16:36:47 Processing: MFC42U

    16:36:47 Selected: MFC42U

    16:36:47 Processing: VC

    16:36:47 Selected: VC

    16:36:47 Processing: VB

    16:36:47 Selected: VB

    16:36:47 Processing: OCX1

    16:36:47 Selected: OCX1

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLAdHlp

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLAdHlp

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLAdHlp\Res1033

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLAdHlp\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLAdHlp\ResOther

    16:36:47 Selected: SQLAdHlp\ResOther

    16:36:47 {E07FDDBE-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}

    16:36:47 {E07FDDC7-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}

    16:36:47 {E07FDDC0-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}

    16:36:47 {E07FDDBF-5A21-11d2-9DAD-00C04F79D434}

    16:36:47 End:  LogSelectedComponents()

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMh

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMX86Lb

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\SCMDev\SCMALb

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Rs1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\RsIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\System

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson\Watson1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\Watson\WatsonOther

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SQLServr\MSXMLSQL\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\UpgSys

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UpgTools\Resld

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\ReplDat

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepComm

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\RepNoDk

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\ReplSupp\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Install

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\System

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt\SvrExtRs

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\SvrExt\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Dat

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\DatSmpl

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\BaseSys

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\BaseBinn

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\MSSearch\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\BaseInst

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\UI

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols\EXE

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Symbols\DLL

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Perfmon

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Perfmon\System

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\Root

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\EXE

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLProg\DLL

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\HTML

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98SYS

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Res

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98Hlp

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD98RsI

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\Scripts

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\OLEDB\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7Res

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\SEM\MSD7RsI

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Profiler\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Qryanlz\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\DTCCLi

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnHlp

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\Wzcn1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnOthr

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\Wzcnflct\WzcnCmn

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\UtilSys

    16:36:47 Processing: MgtTool\UtilBinn

    16:36:47 Processing: Connect

    16:36:47 Processing: Connect\ConnSys

    16:36:47 Processing: Books

    16:36:47 Processing: Books\Bookso

    16:36:47 Processing: Books\Bookso\Utils

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\Include

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\Libx86

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\LibAlpha

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Headers and Libraries\ESQLC

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\MDAC SDKs

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\VDI

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\VDI\Inc

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\VDI\Samples

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int\Dbg Int Common

    16:36:47 Processing: DevTools\Dbg Int\EXE

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ADO

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\DBLIB

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Desktop

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\DTS

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ESQLC

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Misc

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\MSDTC

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ODBC

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\ODS

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\OLEAut

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Repl

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\SilverstoneDB

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\SQLDMO

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\SQLNS

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\Utils

    16:36:47 Processing: Samples\XML

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreRepl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreRepl\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreRepl\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: Core

    16:36:47 Processing: Core\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Core\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry\RepstSys

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Repostry\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreMisc\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Monarch

    16:36:47 Processing: Monarch\Monr1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Monarch\MonrIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: Jet

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreInst

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreCOM

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreCOM\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreCOM\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreTool

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreTool\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: CoreTool\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: DBLibCli

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ActiveX\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SFExt\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: Trace

    16:36:47 Processing: Trace\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: Trace\ResOther

    16:36:47 Processing: CnctBinn

    16:36:47 Processing: MiscCore

    16:36:47 Processing: MC

    16:36:47 Processing: MC\MC1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MC\MCIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: MC\Help

    16:36:47 Processing: UI

    16:36:47 Processing: UI\UIHlp

    16:36:47 Processing: UI\UI1033

    16:36:47 Processing: UI\UIIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: ClstSys

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLMgr

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLMgr\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLMgr\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: SvrTool

    16:36:47 Processing: SvrTool\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SvrTool\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: DTSUI

    16:36:47 Processing: DTSUI\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: DTSUI\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: ClFTSys

    16:36:47 Processing: ClFtdata

    16:36:47 Processing: MSOlap

    16:36:47 Processing: MSOlap\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: MSOlap\ResIntl

    16:36:47 Processing: ATL

    16:36:47 Processing: ATL\winnt

    16:36:47 Processing: ATL\win9x

    16:36:47 Processing: MFC42U

    16:36:47 Processing: VC

    16:36:47 Processing: VB

    16:36:47 Processing: OCX1

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLAdHlp

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLAdHlp\Res1033

    16:36:47 Processing: SQLAdHlp\ResOther

    16:36:47 SQL program folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    16:36:47 SQL data folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL

    16:36:47 Windows system folder: C:\WINNT\system32\

    16:36:47 Prog req: 62955, Data req: 3072, Sys req: 50745

    16:36:47 Prog avail: 6667128, Data avail: 6667128, Sys avail: 6667128

    16:36:47 Prog req vs. avail, 116772, 6667128

    16:36:47 Data req vs. avail, 3072, 6667128

    16:36:47 Sys req vs. avail, 53817, 6667128

    16:36:47 SQLManagerApplicationClass found

    16:36:47 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service SQLSERVERAGENT

    16:36:47 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:36:47 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Timeout 5000 -Service MSSQLSERVER

    16:36:47 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:36:47 Begin:  InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMDAC)

    16:36:47 Begin Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check

    16:36:48 ConnectivityLocked returned: 0

    16:36:48 The operation completed successfully.

    16:36:48 End Action: Locked Connectivity Files Check

    16:36:48 Setup is installing Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) ...

    16:36:48 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_SP4\x86\Other\sqlredis.exe /q:a /C:"setupre.exe MDACQFE=0 WARN=1 -s -SMS"

    16:36:48 Unloading library - sqlsut.dll (#U2)

    16:36:57 Loading library - sqlsut.dll (#L2)

    16:36:57 ExitCode: 0

    16:36:57 End:  InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMDAC)

    16:36:57 **** STARTING OPEN OP IN WRITE MODE ****

    16:36:57 **** CLOSED OPEN OP IN WRITE MODE ****

    16:36:57 Begin:  MoveFileData()

    16:36:57 Enabled SELFREGISTERBATCH


    16:37:46 Begin Action:  MoveFileDataSpecial

    16:37:47 End Action:  MoveFileDataSpecial

    16:37:47 End:  MoveFileData()

    16:37:47 Begin:  ProcessAfterDataMove()

    16:37:47 Begin Action : Installing Server Net

    16:37:47 Server Instance : MSSQLSERVER

    16:37:47 End:  ProcessAfterDataMove()

    16:37:47 Begin:  BuildServer()

    16:37:47 Begin Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL

    16:37:47 End Action: CreateRegistrySetSQL

    16:37:47 Begin Action: RegWriteSetupEntry

    16:37:47 End Action: RegWriteSetupEntry

    16:37:47 *** Unable to get RegisteredOwner to apply to Serial number

    16:37:47 Begin Action: CreateSer

    16:37:47 End Action: CreateSer

    16:37:47 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:\WINNT\setup.iss returned: 1350, 1350

    16:37:47 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:\WINNT\sqlsp.log returned: 1350, 1350

    16:37:47 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for  returned: 3, 3

    16:37:47 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:\WINNT\sqlsp.log returned: 1350, 1350

    16:37:47 SetFileSecuritySQLAndAdmin for C:\WINNT\sqlstp.log returned: 1350, 1350

    16:37:47 SetFileSecPerfAndLogUsers for C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Binn\SQLCTR80.DLL returned: 1350, 1350

    16:37:47 Begin ServPriv (MSSQLSERVER)

    16:37:47 End ServPriv()

    16:37:48 Upgrading databases

    16:37:48 Upgrading databases on instance 'MSSQLSERVER'

    16:37:48 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQLSERVER 

    16:37:48 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:37:48 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQLSERVER 

    16:37:48 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:37:48 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQLSERVER   -StartupOptions \-T4022 \-T4010 \-m

    16:37:59 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:37:59 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp1_serv_uni.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp1_serv_uni.sql" -E

    16:38:02 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:02 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp1-tools.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp1-tools.sql" -E

    16:38:04 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:04 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp2_serv_uni.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp2_serv_uni.sql" -E

    16:38:05 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:05 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp2-tools.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp2-tools.sql" -E

    16:38:05 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:05 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp3_serv_uni.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp3_serv_uni.sql" -E

    16:38:07 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:07 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp3-tools.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp3-tools.sql" -E

    16:38:09 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:09 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\replsys.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\replsys.sql" -E

    16:38:28 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:28 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\replcom.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\replcom.sql" -E

    16:38:35 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:35 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\repltran.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\repltran.sql" -E

    16:38:42 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:42 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\replmerg.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\replmerg.sql" -E

    16:38:55 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:55 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\remove_old_msx_accounts.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\remove_old_msx_accounts.sql" -E

    16:38:55 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:55 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp4_serv_uni.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp4_serv_uni.sql" -E

    16:38:56 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:56 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp4-tools.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\80sp4-tools.sql" -E

    16:38:58 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:58 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\ConfigDBChain.out" -i "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\ConfigDBChain.sql" -E

    16:38:58 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:38:58 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQLSERVER 

    16:39:13 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:13 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQLSERVER   -StartupOptions \-T4022 \-T4010

    16:39:23 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:24 \\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_~2\x86\BINN\osql.exe  -Slpc:EAF-INSTALL -t1200 -b -n -d master -o "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\install\sp_vupgrade_replication.out" -Q "EXEC sp_vupgrade_replication @security_mode=1,@ver_old=194" -E

    16:39:25 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:25 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQLSERVER 

    16:39:40 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:40 End:  BuildServer()

    16:39:40 Begin:  InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMSSEARCH)

    16:39:40 InstallMSSearch instance: MSSQLSERVER

    16:39:40 Software\Microsoft\Search\Install:Version : 9.107.5512

    16:39:40 MSSearch 2.0 or greater version check returned -1

    16:39:40 Setup is installing the Microsoft Full-Text Search Engine ...

    16:39:40  "\\ie10-sujithuk\v$\Software\SQL2K_SP4\x86\FullText\MSSearch\Search\SearchStp.exe" /s /a:SQLServer

    16:39:51 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:51 End:  InstallPkgs(ID_INSTALLMSSEARCH)

    16:39:51 Begin:  SelfRegister()

    16:39:51 DLLRegisterServer atl.dll: 0, 0x0

    16:39:56 Return code: 0

    16:39:56 Begin:  SelfRegisterOnCluster()

    16:39:56 End:  SelfRegisterOnCluster()

    16:39:56 Begin:  RegisterSvrReplFiles()

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\snapshot.exe-unregserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\distrib.exe-unregserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\replmerg.exe-unregserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\logread.exe-unregserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\qrdrsvc.exe-unregserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\snapshot.exe-regserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\distrib.exe-regserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\replmerg.exe-regserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\logread.exe-regserver

    16:39:56 **** File registered: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\COM\qrdrsvc.exe-regserver

    16:39:56 End:  RegisterSvrReplFiles()

    16:39:56 Begin:  SelfRegisterCOMShared()

    16:39:56 End:  SelfRegisterCOMShared()

    16:39:56 End:  SelfRegister()

    16:39:56 Begin:  SetupRegistry()

    16:39:57 Begin Action RegWriteInstalledInstances:

    16:39:57 End Action   RegWriteInstalledInstances

    16:39:57 Register this installation of SQL Server with MDAC

    16:39:57 Completed registering this installation of SQL Server with MDAC

    16:39:57 Start Process...updating reg entries for SP

    16:39:57  Default instance

    16:39:57 Begin : SetPatchLevel

    16:39:57 End : SetPatchLevel

    16:39:57 Begin : SetSPSEBaselineRegistry

    16:39:57 End : SetSPSEBaselineRegistry

    16:39:57 Begin : SetRPCnetlibSecurity

    16:39:57 End : SetRPCnetlibSecurity

    16:39:57 End:  SetupRegistry()

    16:39:57 Begin:  PostSetupRegistry()

    16:39:57 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 7 -Service "SQLSERVERAGENT" -Dependencies MSSQLSERVER -ExePath "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\binn\sqlagent.exe"

    16:39:57 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:57 SetupSQLExecSecurity returned: 0

    16:39:57 C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~3\80\Tools\Binn\dcomscm.exe dcomscm.exe /RegServer

    16:39:57 Process Exit Code: (0)

    16:39:57 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\MICROS~1\SQLDEB~1\SQLDBR~1.EXE sqldbreg2.exe -RegServer


    It hangs when trying to register the sql debugger (sqldbreg2.exe).But this is haunting me now since last 2 days

    Any help is *much* appreciated.



  • Hi

    It seems like you are installing SP4 from an UNC path.


    Try mapping that path to a local drive and run SP4 setup.bat from the mapped drive.

    John Emil


  • I am also trying to install the SP4 (2059 build ) from SP3a (build 760). When upgrading (running setup.bat) , it hangs at the stage of 'Validating user / paswword ' . In the SQLSP.log the last line is

    16:35:34 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe  -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQLSERVER   -StartupOptions \-T4022

    I ran the setup.bat from a local path .

    The authentication mode is mixed . Analysis services are not installed  on this instance of SQL server . There is no replication / logging  etc .

    Has anybody experienced this and any clues on this .

  • Ensure that MSDB & MASTER DB is not used by any other service or their is no active instance from EM or QA from other client machine.


    Prakash Sawant


  • I tried changing the startup parameters in EM to -c -m but still could not get pass SP4 hanging on validate user step. So then stopped SQL Server and started from command line with sqlservr.exe -c -m. Then ran setup and finally it worked!

  • John Emil Halleland (6/22/2005)


    It seems like you are installing SP4 from an UNC path.

    " "

    Try mapping that path to a local drive and run SP4 setup.bat from the mapped drive.

    John Emil

    Thank you! Just ran in to this exact same problem, mapped the UNC path as a drive, and it installed just fine.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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