SQL 2000 DTS packages failed in SQL 2005 Cluster

  • My SQL 2005 is a Failover cluster environment.

    At the Active node (Node 1), I imported some SQL 2000 DTS packages and executed them with a DOS BAT file (use the DTSRUN command).

    They worked fine.

    Today, I did cluster failover, then Node 2 become the Active node, but I got the following error when I executed my BAT files :

    ActiveX Scripting was not able to initialize the script execut

    ion engine

    Some web sites say I need to re-register the axscphst.dll.

    But both of the Node 1 and Node 2 don't have this axscphst.dll, so how can I re-register it ?

    Any ideal ?

  • Do you have SSIS setup as a cluster resource? if not is it installed on both nodes?

    also, where did you store the dts packages? are they in a location that is available to the cluster and was that resource failed over?

  • During the SQL 2005 Cluster installation, only the SQL Server Database Service and Analysis Services have the "Create a failover cluster" option for us to click.

    Integration Services doesn't.

    My DTS packages locates at the SQL Server 2005 msdb.

    In fact, I am trying to use the dstrun command file by a MS-DOS batch file and try to execute this batch file by the Windows 2003 Scheduler of both the cluster nodes.

    Some web sites say I should register the axscphst.dll on the passive node 1 more time, but the point is I couldn't find this dll either in the active or passive node.

    So I have no ideal to fix this DTS problem on my passive node.

  • I couldn't find the axscphst.dll but I found an AXSCPHST90.DLL at the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM folders of BOTH the active and passive node.

    Are these 2 dll files the same ?

    Should I register this AXSCPHST90.DLL instead ?

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