SQL 2000 and Windows 2003 Server Enterprise

  • I have 8GB of RAM w/ Windows Server 2003 Enterprise. Enterprise sees the 8GB but what do I need to do with SQL 2000 to utilize the 8GB. Ive only seen articles for windows 2000/NT 4. Any help is appreciated.




  • Please use the following details



    Use of the /PAE switch in the Boot.ini and the AWE enable option in SQL Server allows SQL Server 2000 to utilize more than 4 GB memory. Without the /PAE switch SQL Server can only utilize up to 3 GB of memory.

    Note To allow AWE to use the memory range above 16 GB on Windows 2000 Data Center, make sure that the /3GB switch is not in the Boot.ini file. If the /3GB switch is in the Boot.ini file, Windows 2000 may not be able to address any memory above 16 GB correctly.

    When you allocate SQL Server AWE memory on a 32 GB system, Windows 2000 may require at least 1 GB memory to manage AWE.


    <script type=text/javascript>loadTOCNode(3, 'summary');</script>The following example shows how to enable AWE and configure a limit of 6 GB for the max server memory option:

    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1RECONFIGUREGOsp_configure 'awe enabled', 1RECONFIGUREGOsp_configure 'max server memory', 6144RECONFIGUREGO

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