Splitting rows in HTML from sp_send_dbmail

  • Greetings,

    I would like to send a daily email that shows in HTML the changes of our staff from the previous day. We have a table called EmployeeHistory that includes records for changes to our Employee tables with the date of the change along with the EmpId, Name, etc.

    I have not done much work with HTML but I have the following code that selects records that have changed into a temp table called #History and then formats it into HTML and sends the email using sp_send_dbmail:



    Curr.EmpID as CurrEmpID,

    Curr.FirstName as CurrFirstName,

    Curr.LastName as CurrLastName,

    Curr.JobTitle as CurrJobTitle,

    Curr.DivisionID as CurrDivisionID,

    Curr.DepartmentID as CurrDepartmentID

    Curr.DateChanged as CurrDateChanged,

    Prev.EmpID as PrevEmpID,

    Prev.FirstName as PrevFirstName,

    Prev.LastName as PrevLastName,

    Prev.JobTitle as PrevJobTitle,

    Prev.DivisionID as PrevDivisionID,

    Prev.DepartmentID as PrevDepartmentID,

    Prev.DateChanged as PrevDateChanged

    into #History

    from EmployeeHistory as Curr

    join EmployeeHistory as Prev

    on Curr.EmpID = Prev.EmpID AND

    DATEDIFF(day,Prev.DateChanged, Curr.DateChanged) = 1 AND


    Curr.FirstName <> Prev.FirstName or

    Curr.LastName <> Prev.LastName or

    Curr.JobTitle <> Prev.JobTitle or

    Curr.DivisionID <> Prev.DivisionID or

    Curr.DepartmentID <> Prev.DepartmentID


    order by Curr.LastName, Curr.FirstName


    SET @HTML =

    N'<H1>Staff Data changes</H1>' +

    N'<table border="1">' +

    N'<tr><th>Date Changed</th><th>EmpId</th>' +

    N'<th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th>' +

    N'<th>Job Title</th><th>Division</th><th>Department</th>' +

    CAST ( (


    td = CurrDateChanged, '',

    td = CurrEmpID, '',

    td = CurrLastName, '',

    td = CurrFirstName, '',

    td = CurrJobTitle, '',

    td = CurrDivisionID, '',

    td = CurrDepartmentID, '',

    td = PrevDateChanged, '',

    td = PrevEmpID, '',

    td = PrevLastName, '',

    td = PrevFirstName, '',

    td = PrevJobTitle, '',

    td = PrevDivisionID, '',

    td = PrevDepartmentID, ''

    from #History

    order by CurrLastName, CurrFirstName

    for XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

    ) as NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +

    N'</table>' ;

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = 'Gmail',

    @recipients = 'XXXX',

    @subject = 'Staff Data changes',

    @body = @HTML,

    @body_format = 'HTML'


    For each employee that has changed since yesterday, I would like the current data formated onto one row of the HTML and the previous data formatted onto a second row.

    What is the syntax needed to separate this data into two rows? Thank you for your help.


  • I am hardly and expert on XML path and HTML, novice is more like it, but I have used similar method to send HTML emails.

    you will need to split up your current and previous into different XML statements. your XML path is creating the rows so if you combine your current and previous within the same XML path they will be in the same row.

    something like this might work (not tested)



    @body NVARCHAR(MAX);

    set @body =

    N'<H1>Staff Data changes</H1>' +

    N'<table border="1">' +

    N'<tr><th>Date Changed</th><th>EmpId</th>' +

    N'<th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th>' +

    N'<th>Job Title</th><th>Division</th><th>Department</th>'

    SET @HTMLcur =

    CAST ( (


    td = CurrDateChanged, '',

    td = CurrEmpID, '',

    td = CurrLastName, '',

    td = CurrFirstName, '',

    td = CurrJobTitle, '',

    td = CurrDivisionID, '',

    td = CurrDepartmentID, '',

    from #History

    order by CurrLastName, CurrFirstName

    for XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

    ) as NVARCHAR(MAX) )

    SET @HTMLprev =

    N'<H1>Staff Data changes</H1>' +

    N'<table border="1">' +

    N'<tr><th>Date Changed</th><th>EmpId</th>' +

    N'<th>Last Name</th><th>First Name</th>' +

    N'<th>Job Title</th><th>Division</th><th>Department</th>' +

    CAST ( (


    td = PrevDateChanged, '',

    td = PrevEmpID, '',

    td = PrevLastName, '',

    td = PrevFirstName, '',

    td = PrevJobTitle, '',

    td = PrevDivisionID, '',

    td = PrevDepartmentID, ''

    from #History

    order by CurrLastName, CurrFirstName

    for XML PATH('tr'), TYPE

    ) as NVARCHAR(MAX) )

    set @body = @body+@HTMLcur+@HTMLprev+N'</table>' ;

    How to post to get the best help[/url]

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