Split text data type into rows

  • Hi All,

    I have a text type column in which I have value like

    ABC;NoDisplayName;Ignite Techn;NoDisplayVersion Xyz;Infy;Ignite Techn;1.2.3 MNP;TCS;AT&T;NoDisplayVersion.........................................

    Now I need to split this text into rows. like in above example I have three rows and four columns. the columns are semicolumn delimeter(;) but there is no row delimter( actully it has but that is space and any column can have space in it). so the avoce text should looks like

    ABC;NoDisplayName;Ignite Techn;NoDisplayVersion

    Xyz;Infy;Ignite Techn;1.2.3


    please help me out.



  • I suggest you read this article by Jeff Moden, http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/62867/

  • Problem I see with your sample data is that ther is no clear seperator between the values. Some of your beaks appear to be the semicolon (;) but others appear to be on a space ( ).

  • seperator for column are good semicolumn(;). I also have row seperator i.e. space. but you know in columns we can have space so we can't say this particular space is row seperator.



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