Split string into Columns based on Special Character

  • Hi,

    Can anyone help me get the required result in SQL 2012

    Create table DBInfo (Path varchar (500))

    Insert into DBInfo values('/Data Sources')

    Insert into DBInfo values('/Data Sources/SALES')

    Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION')

    Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION/SERVICE')

    Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION/SERVICE/MAINTENANCE')

    Insert into DBInfo values('/PRODUCTION/SERVICE/LOGISTICS')

    My Expected Output


    Data SourcesNullNull

    Data SourcesSalesNull





  • This uses Jeff Moden's DelimitedSplit8K function posted at http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/. If you aren't familiar with it yet, take the time to acquainted with it. It's well worth the read.

    select column_a = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 1 then s.item end),

    column_b = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 2 then s.item end),

    column_c = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 3 then s.item end),

    column_d = MAX(case when s.itemnumber = 4 then s.item end)

    from DBInfo

    cross apply DelimitedSplit8K(Path, '/') s

    group by DBInfo.Path;

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