sp_oamethod to read text file gives blank results. (??)

  • Hello,

    I have a plain text file called Orders.txt with the following three lines:




    I'm trying to read that text and put it in a table. I'm using the sp_oamethod call as stated below. The code runs and reports that it was successful, but when I query the table it is empty and even the 'print' command doesn't print anything. Seems simple enough, but I can't see what I might be missing. Any help is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


    declare @objFSys int

    declare @objFile int

    declare @blnEndOfFile int

    declare @strLine varchar(40)

    CREATE TABLE #mytesttable (sometext text)

    exec sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @objFSys out

    -- Change the file path to the one that is passed to your stored procedure

    exec sp_OAMethod @objFSys, 'OpenTextFile', @objFile out, 'C:\orders.txt', 1

    exec sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'AtEndOfStream', @blnEndOfFile out

    while @blnEndOfFile=0 begin

    exec sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'ReadLine', @strLine out

    select @strLine

    INSERT INTO #mytesttable (sometext) VALUES(@strLine)

    print @strLine

    exec sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'AtEndOfStream', @blnEndOfFile out


    exec sp_OADestroy @objFile

    exec sp_OADestroy @objFSys

    select * from #mytesttable

  • Try this,

    Change the "exec sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'ReadLine', @strLine out"

    to exec @blnEndOfFile = sp_OAMethod @objFile, 'ReadLine', @strLine out

    Then check the value of @blnEndOfFile

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks, but that doesn't do it. It just gives me the method's return result which is a long int.

    I don't know, it seems so straight forward yet it ain't working.

  • I tried your code exactly as written and it worked perfectly. I tried outputting to both a temporary table (as in your original code) and to a "real" table. In both cases, it worked perfectly. I tried it in a SQL 2000 database from both SQL 2000 Query Analyzer (SP3) AND from SQL 2005 Apr CTP Management Studio.

    Denis W. Repke

  • Wow, that's crazy I'm doing this on SQL 200 SP3 QueryAnalyzer logged in as SA.

    Like I said it works without error but the table is empty. I'll have to see if my SA doen't have the right permissions.

    Thanks to all for the help!

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