• paul s-306273 (4/26/2012)

    This article was posted in 2005 on TechRepublic:

    I knew I had seen that before!! :ermm: cheers guys

  • good question!!! thanks!

    [font="Times New Roman"]rfr.ferrari[/font]
    DBA - SQL Server 2008

    remember is live or suffer twice!
    the period you fastest growing is the most difficult period of your life!
  • I have rewritten the explanation. Thanks for pointing out the issue.

    I have also contacted the author.

  • Edit: The following is mainly nonsense, but I've left it in so that subsequent replies make sense 🙂

    some harsh responses IMHO. Who knows whether the author made use of a bit of code from the internet 7 years ago and forgot the source, or maybe one of his co-workers copied it and it's been around on their database for the last few years?

    If I were to post a procedure like that, then I'd make sure my name was in a comment at the top, so unthinking copy-and-pasters would preserve the attribution, requiring a conscious decision to deceive if they wanted to delete the author details.

  • Nice and easy -- after several days of low correct responses percentages this one is really high.

    Original or not, thanks for the question!

  • Toreador (4/26/2012)

    some harsh responses IMHO. Who knows whether the author made use of a bit of code from the internet 7 years ago and forgot the source, or maybe one of his co-workers copied it and it's been around on their database for the last few years?

    It wasn't just the code of a stored procedure; the original comment was a verbatim copy of the TechRepublic post. Including personal comments such as "Recursion is one of the most elegant programming constructs in my opinion. I have used it in dozens of situations and in several programming languages".

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
    Visit my SQL Server blog: https://sqlserverfast.com/blog/
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  • Ah. That's different...

  • I enjoyed the discussion for this question.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Hugo Kornelis (4/26/2012)

    I love the "don't know" option, and I agree with the poster above that those who rightfully tick that box should get a point. 😉

    Only if they can properly answer the following question:

    You flip a coin -- the proper call is

    -1- either "heads" or "tails"

    -2- neither "heads" nor "tails"

    -3- Don't Know

  • edit: I see someone already said this. I should have looked on the next page of comments before posting and then I would not have posted.


    Toreador (4/26/2012)

    some harsh responses IMHO. Who knows whether the author made use of a bit of code from the internet 7 years ago and forgot the source, or maybe one of his co-workers copied it and it's been around on their database for the last few years?

    If I were to post a procedure like that, then I'd make sure my name was in a comment at the top, so unthinking copy-and-pasters would preserve the attribution, requiring a conscious decision to deceive if they wanted to delete the author details.

    I shouldn't think anyone cares about the code as such. The text was pretty much a direct copy from the blog entry, too, and that is rather more of an issue.


  • Nice question. I apperently missed something about the explanation.

    Ah well... 🙂

    Need an answer? No, you need a question
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  • Steve Jones - SSC Editor (4/26/2012)

    I have rewritten the explanation. Thanks for pointing out the issue.

    I have also contacted the author.

    Thanks for that Steve.

  • I received an apology from the author. I suspect it was a lack of understanding, and plan to let it go.

  • Interesting topic and good summary on the nested SP.

    Thank you.

  • Thank for the question


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