Solution-level variable in SQL RS

  • Hi all

    I have a recurrent problem... I have many Reporting Services solutions which all look at the same database. A lot of the time the reports in them are near copies of reports in other solutions, with just a few tweaks, but the main difference is that they filter data by a different ProjectID.

    We currently store this ProjectID as a hidden report parameter, and all reports refer to that parameter to determine what project's data they should get from the db.

    The issue this gives me is that every time I want to set up a new project, I copy an existing solution, and then I have to go through every single report and change the ProjectID parameter. i.e. ProjectID is set at report level.

    It struck me that there must be a solution-level / project-level variable that I could set ProjectID to, and all reports could look at that. But so far I haven't found one. Any suggestions?

    If it helps, the VS solutions are all named after the ProjectID. If I could refer to the solution name somehow that would be a great start. I've tried parsing the report URL but this only works on the production server, meaning I can't preview the report in VS.

    Very grateful for any help!



  • Realising my initial post may have been a little verbose, I'm going to rephrase it for those short on time...!

    Anyone know of any way you can set a global parameter that's accessible to all reports in a solution?

  • I dont think there is a global parameter in SSRS, one alternative way is to use report model where you can define your own data source with all the fields you need for all of your reports and have a filter there and use the report model as data source to your reports.


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