Social Media and Interviews

  • Lynn Pettis (4/24/2012)

    TravisDBA (4/24/2012)

    You just exactly made my point, you are admitting basically that you are already using some type of illegal drug, just not blow at this time(which BTW is usually a drug user term for this drug.). Hence the drug user logic for legalization. They all have a vested interest in it passing. Go figure? 😀

    Interesting how you make assumptions based on the use of common (user) terms for drugs. All three of my kids went through DARE and we learned many of the names for the various drugs. My using those names doesn't mean I use them and I would take personal offence if anyone accused me of doing so based on the use on this terminology.

    Lynn, watch out. TravisDBA has a tendency towards trollishness. I'm not the only person he's tried it on.

    He'll twist your words, and even words you didn't actually use, to try to get a reaction out of you.

    You've been warned.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • jfogel (4/24/2012)

    TravisDBA (4/24/2012)

    You just exactly made my point, you are admitting basically that you are already using (or would use) some type of illegal drug, just not blow at this time because it is currently illegal. (Which BTW is usually a drug user term for this drug anyway). Hence the drug user logic for legalization. They all have a vested interest in it passing. Go figure? 😀

    Who are you directly speaking to with this post?

    I'll repeat my warning to Lynn. TravisDBA has a history of accusing people of things based on his own personal interpretations of what you've written, even including accusations of things based on nothing you've said yourself.

    He's done it to a fair number of people.

    On any subject with any bite to it, it's better to consider him a troll.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • GSquared (4/24/2012)

    jfogel (4/24/2012)

    TravisDBA (4/24/2012)

    You just exactly made my point, you are admitting basically that you are already using (or would use) some type of illegal drug, just not blow at this time because it is currently illegal. (Which BTW is usually a drug user term for this drug anyway). Hence the drug user logic for legalization. They all have a vested interest in it passing. Go figure? 😀

    Who are you directly speaking to with this post?

    I'll repeat my warning to Lynn. TravisDBA has a history of accusing people of things based on his own personal interpretations of what you've written, even including accusations of things based on nothing you've said yourself.

    He's done it to a fair number of people.

    On any subject with any bite to it, it's better to consider him a troll.

    Hmm, guess I never noticed that. I'll be more diligent.

  • Lynn Pettis (4/24/2012)

    GSquared (4/24/2012)

    jfogel (4/24/2012)

    TravisDBA (4/24/2012)

    You just exactly made my point, you are admitting basically that you are already using (or would use) some type of illegal drug, just not blow at this time because it is currently illegal. (Which BTW is usually a drug user term for this drug anyway). Hence the drug user logic for legalization. They all have a vested interest in it passing. Go figure? 😀

    Who are you directly speaking to with this post?

    I'll repeat my warning to Lynn. TravisDBA has a history of accusing people of things based on his own personal interpretations of what you've written, even including accusations of things based on nothing you've said yourself.

    He's done it to a fair number of people.

    On any subject with any bite to it, it's better to consider him a troll.

    Hmm, guess I never noticed that. I'll be more diligent.

    Just making sure you know.

    I've seen him really derail discussions and get horribly personal and insulting, while making outrageous claims about people based on who-knows-what.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Recently* a friend of mine was diagnosed with Parkinson's.

    My brother was talking to a close friend of his that is a neurosurgeon about it and the first question from the surgeon was, "Which one did he take a, b, c, or d?"

    Confused, my brother explained that he was a fireman and was regularly exposed to burning cars, etc. over a 15 year period.

    The surgeon then commented that it was possible that that was the cause, but in general Parkinson's was known (but not proven) to be caused by the substances he mentioned.

    He said this is generally accepted among neurosurgeons, but hard to prove because (along with other difficulties; see note below) it takes about a decade to manifest itself.

    I offer this post to those that say, "If it were legalized and the production controlled it would be safer."

    I realize it won't change anyone's opinion, but please remember that you read this in 2012.


    * - FYI: the diagnosis of Parkinson's is complex and can take years to determine. The only certain diagnosis is post mortem brain autopsy. But a relatively certain diagnosis can be arrived at over a number of years based on response to treatment options.


    I was going to say, "w, x, y, or z" but I thought that someone might think I meant extasy - and do not intend to mention any of the four drugs or hint at what they are.

    [edited to add] P.P.S.

    My gradfather died before I was born as a result of Parkinson's - long before any of the four drugs mentioned was around - so, don't take the post to mean anything about people that have it, I'm simply informing you that there are recreational drugs in use today that are (strongly) believed (by MDs who study the brain) to cause it.

  • Chris.C-977504 (4/24/2012)

    Recently* a friend of mine was diagnosed with Parkinson's.

    My brother was talking to a close friend of his that is a neurosurgeon about it and the first question from the surgeon was, "Which one did he take a, b, c, or d?"

    Confused, my brother explained that he was a fireman and was regularly exposed to burning cars, etc. over a 15 year period.

    The surgeon then commented that it was possible that that was the cause, but in general Parkinson's was known (but not proven) to be caused by the substances he mentioned.

    He said this is generally accepted among neurosurgeons, but hard to prove because (along with other difficulties; see note below) it takes about a decade to manifest itself.

    I offer this post to those that say, "If it were legalized and the production controlled it would be safer."

    I realize it won't change anyone's opinion, but please remember that you read this in 2012.


    * - FYI: the diagnosis of Parkinson's is complex and can take years to determine. The only certain diagnosis is post mortem brain autopsy. But a relatively certain diagnosis can be arrived at over a number of years based on response to treatment options.


    I was going to say, "w, x, y, or z" but I thought that someone might think I meant extasy - and do not intend to mention any of the four drugs or hint at what they are.

    Good point, I did not know that. But you are correct, if people already have their minds made up about implementing drug legalization, then all the evidence in the world is not going to matter anyway.:-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • What evidence? A post on the Internet?

    If it isn't proven I'll go ahead and disregard it. My Wife's uncle died as a result of Parkinson's Disease a few years ago at the age of 81. I can assure you he was no drug addict much less a recreational users so, so much for that theory.


  • jfogel (4/24/2012)

    What evidence? A post on the Internet?

    If it isn't proven I'll go ahead and disregard it. My Wife's uncle died as a result of Parkinson's Disease a few years ago at the age of 81. I can assure you he was no drug addict much less a recreational users so, so much for that theory.

    No, but maybe this article might make you a believer. Well, then again, maybe not. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"


    We can do this all day. My web browser is just as capable as yours.

    Certain medications. Certain drugs such as antipsychotics used to treat severe paranoia and schizophrenia can cause a person to experience symptoms that resemble Parkinson's disease (Parkinsonism).

    Shy-Drager syndrome. This is a rare degenerative condition that produces symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease.

    Street drugs. MPTP, a synthetic heroin contaminant, can cause severe Parkinson's disease-like


    Note the bold underlined words. Of course, with you not being too bright you will find a way to ignore them.


  • jfogel (4/24/2012)

    What evidence? A post on the Internet?

    If it isn't proven I'll go ahead and disregard it.

    You're free to do what you think is best.

    My Wife's uncle died as a result of Parkinson's Disease a few years ago at the age of 81. I can assure you he was no drug addict much less a recreational users so, so much for that theory.

    Just remember the post and watch for the median age of onset to decrease.

    NOTE: I added a PPS to my post, which you may not have read before your post. (I didn't read yours before adding it either)

  • TravisDBA (4/24/2012)

    jfogel (4/24/2012)

    What evidence? A post on the Internet?

    If it isn't proven I'll go ahead and disregard it. My Wife's uncle died as a result of Parkinson's Disease a few years ago at the age of 81. I can assure you he was no drug addict much less a recreational users so, so much for that theory.

    No, but maybe this article might make you a believer. Well, then again, maybe not. 😀

  • You're free to do what you think is best.

    Agreed, people will do that anyway, as I stated before.:-D

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • There is no question abuse of certain substances lead to brain damage. I don't need to be convinced of that.


  • I have an idea, let's make all drugs illegal. I'm sorry, I watch TV and some of the side-effects of some drugs are worse than the disease they are supposed to treat.

    Better living through Chemistry. Yea, right.

  • Lynn Pettis (4/24/2012)

    I have an idea, let's make all drugs illegal. I'm sorry, I watch TV and some of the side-effects of some drugs are worse than the disease they are supposed to treat.

    Better living through Chemistry. Yea, right.

    "Side effects include blindness, bleeding from all orifices and death though rarely reported"


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