Snapshot agent scheduling

  • About how often should I schedule a snapshot agent to run when I'd prefer to wait as long as possible? Reason being, the agent take 4 plus hours to complete, a price I have a hard time paying.

    Thanks in advance,


  • If you are using a Snapshot Publication - then as aften as you need.

    If you are using any other type of publication, you only need to run the snapshot agent when you need to intialise part or all of a publication.

    If all of your subscribers are ticking away nicely, you may not need to run the snapshot agent at all.

  • Thanks happycat59,

    It is transactional, and it is ticking away happily.

    Thanks again,


  • You only need to do it when you have made changes to the publication. Any other time is redundant.

    If you've made changes to the publication correctly by script, the snapshot will only include the article changes and will not take long to generate.

    The only time a full snapshot should be generated is if you add a new subscriber.

  • I should also point out, that you can get around the full snapshot by adding the subscription to the new subscriber a @syncronisation_type (?) = 'none' and restoring a full backup of another subscriber with KEEP REPLICATION.

    You will need to stop the log reader agent before hand and ensure all commands have been delivered.

  • Thanks for the replies MysteryJimbo,

    Those are helpful.


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