Slow Queries After Updating to 2005

  • Hi Guys,


    I just migrated from SQL2000 to SQL2005 and now some queries that used to run really fast are taking forever to run.

    It seems that SQL2005 is choosing a different execution plan. I changed some of those queries to force SQL to choose another plan, but I can't do this everywhere.


    Has somebody had the same problem, or know how to fix it ?

    Thanks a lot,



  • depends on the query

    also look into completely dropping and recreating some indexes. we had one query where MS said they changed the optimizer because it caused a lot of problems in sql 2000

  • How correct are the statistics?

    Microsoft recommends that you "Use the sp_updatestats stored procedure to update statistics in user-defined tables in SQL Server 2005 databases." (

  • I came across a FEW instances where performance was negatively impacted, but I also came across instances where it was improved.  There are a lot of steps that are to be performed when you migrate.  sp_updateusage, is one of them, statistics is the other that NEED TO BE UPDATED.  Even if you are running it 80 compat mode. 

  • Thank you for all your answers.

    I still have the same problem and I am trying to defrag some indexes, but for some reason they still are fragmented.

    Here are some things that I have tried:

    ALTER INDEX ALL ON healthc.tblSurveyQuestions REBUILD

    ALTER INDEX ALL ON healthc.tblSurveyQuestions REORGANIZE

    DBCC INDEXDEFRAG ('healthcomputingdb','healthc.tblSurveyQuestions')

    DBCC DBREINDEX([healthc.tblSurveyQuestions], '', 100)

    I even tried to drop an index and create it again.


    I also run sp_updatestats, but the fragmentation levels haven't changed.

    This is how I am checking the fragmentation:

    SELECT Object_Name(a.object_id), a.index_id, name, avg_fragmentation_in_percent

    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS a

     JOIN sys.indexes AS b ON a.object_id = b.object_id AND a.index_id = b.index_id

    where Object_Name(a.object_id)='tblSurveyQuestions'

    [10 is my DB_ID()]

    Is it possible that I'm not getting an updated information? I mean, if I dropped a trigger and created again, shouldn't it be created with a fragmentation level iqual to zero, or close to zero ?

    Any ideas of what may be happening?

    Thanks a ton,


  • Please run re-index and update statics after the migration. The will help to increase the performance.

    Same thing is happend for me. But after 2 days it came to normal.

  • What you mean "run reindex"?

    About updating statics, I already run sp_updatestats. Am I supposed to do anything else?



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