Slow Database Backup & Restore

  • Hi All

    We are facing slow backup & restore database backup issue

    SQL sevrer 2005 express Edition on windos sevrer 2003 with 4 GB of RAM & DB Size is 3.8 GB as per Express edition limit of 4 GB

    Now days we are facing that our backup & restore of Database is very slow compasion to earliers days , Even backup are on local disk.

    We have done defragementation on OS & Database level also but no success

    what would be the reason ? could somebody help regaring this issue ?



  • Need more information. Perhaps you can implement the trace flags here:\SQL_Backup\KB200806000267.htm

    and post resulting logs

  • maybe the amount of data in your database is growing and therefore the backups are taking longer?

    What do you call slow?


  • does your server have a lot of free space? if it does not, it might be taking a long time trying to find 3.8 gig of space to restore the backup; it want's everything as contiguous as possible, of course.. that happens on my dev machine all the time, and i have to free up space to improve the performance.


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  • gupta1282 (4/28/2010)

    what would be the reason ? could somebody help regaring this issue ?

    So hard to tell , a lot of reasons

    1 Disk Slowness

    2 taking backup on remote drive.

    3 back end process running on sametime.

    4 Memory shortage.

    5 heavy database.

    Refer below link.

    Are you takiing differential backup also ?

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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