Shrinking Log File

  • Gurus,

    Is there any harm of shrinking log files everyday?  Does it harm performance since log files are written sequentially and it's only writting to the drive not reading it?

    The log file grows to like 22GB's after rebuilding all indexes on the database.  The DB size is 30GB and the size of the drive that houses the log file is 25GBs. 




  • Overhead of having the log file growing all the time and fragmentation of the log file.

  • We have a Transaction log file that grows over 15 GBs a day, I run a seperate maintenance job early a.m. where we backup the transaction log with truncate_only after a backup of the database and then run a shrink DB.   

  • Like athurgar already said, there is really no sense in shrinking the log just because of the shrinking itself. Growing the log file is somewhat expensive and leadds to fragementation and might degrade performance.

    I would watch the db over a period of time and see how large the log gets between two backup operations. Add some margin space to this, and then you have your minimum log size. If that size is some GB, well, storage space isn't really much of a concern these days.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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