Shrinking all log files on SQL Server 2008R2

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Shrinking all log files on SQL Server 2008R2

    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • It is almost never recommended to shrink database or log files, even less likely to need them done all at once, and absolutely not in a scheduled job. Shrinking log files creates filesystem level fragmentation as the logs keep growing again. If your autogrow settings are too small, this can be a serious problem - see Kimberly Tripp's article

    Additionally, this shrink doesn't account for Transaction log backup first for non-simple mode databases or the repeated cycles often required to move the active log VLF away from the middle or end.

  • OK, you're joking right??

    Firstly, TRUNCATEONLY does not apply to T-log files!

    A wholesale shrink of all log files on the instance, and you believe this will be beneficial?

    What do you do for an encore, shrink the data files then rebuild the indexes?

    Incidentally, Do you carry out index maintenance on your SQL Server instance?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Perry, excellent point on TRUNCATEONLY only applying to data files (and all arguments about 'do not shrink' apply to data files just as well as to log files).

    For anyone wondering, here's a reference:

  • Furthermore, the script targets files with ".ldf" extension. What happens if a DBA creates a database and gives one of the data files on a database the ".ldf" extension 😉

    At least filter the files in sys.master_files by their type (0 = rows, 1 = log)


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Nadrek (11/2/2012)

    It is almost never recommended to shrink database or log files, even less likely to need them done all at once, and absolutely not in a scheduled job. Shrinking log files creates filesystem level fragmentation as the logs keep growing again. If your autogrow settings are too small, this can be a serious problem - see Kimberly Tripp's article

    Additionally, this shrink doesn't account for Transaction log backup first for non-simple mode databases or the repeated cycles often required to move the active log VLF away from the middle or end.

    Hi All

    The idea of this script is to be used on testing and developing environments. Of course you should never shrink LOG files on production environment, except in emergent cases.

    I here want to share my experience with this, because parts of my work is restoring databases every day, and making massive inserts and updates, so that the LOG file can grow too much ... and I find this script useful. Once again it's purpose was not intended for production environments.

    Thank you


    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • Perry Whittle (11/2/2012)

    OK, you're joking right??

    Firstly, TRUNCATEONLY does not apply to T-log files!

    A wholesale shrink of all log files on the instance, and you believe this will be beneficial?

    What do you do for an encore, shrink the data files then rebuild the indexes?

    Incidentally, Do you carry out index maintenance on your SQL Server instance?

    Hi Perry,

    Of course it is not for production. I needed it on test and development envs and just made a search and didn't find something useful and did it myself, so I'm just sharing it and appointing that this is recommended only on testing and dev instances.



    Igor Micev,
    My blog:

  • We have a use for this in our testing environment. Thanks.

  • This script didn't work on a sharepoint server because of the awful long database names sharepoint uses.  Enclosing the "Use" [DatabaseName] in brackets [] fixed this problem.  On 2012 (at least) you need to join the [master_files] table to the [Databases] table to see if the database is online.  The status of the files show online when the database is offline.

    Thank you for the script!

    DECLARE @logname nvarchar(256)
    DECLARE @dbname nvarchar(256)
    DECLARE @dynamic_command nvarchar(2048)
    SET @dynamic_command = NULL

    DECLARE log_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT db_name(mf.database_id),
    FROM sys.master_files mf
    JOIN sys.[databases] db ON [db].[database_id] = [mf].[database_id]
    WHERE mf.database_id NOT IN ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) --avoid system databases
      AND NOT LIKE 'ReportServer$%' AND right(mf.physical_name, 4) = '.ldf' AND mf.state_desc = 'online' AND db.[state_desc] LIKE 'ONLINE'

    OPEN log_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM log_cursor
    INTO @dbname, @logname
    WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
      SET @dynamic_command = N'USE [' + @dbname + N'] DBCC SHRINKFILE(N''' + @logname + N''',0,TRUNCATEONLY)'
        PRINT @dynamic_command
      EXEC sp_executesql @dynamic_command
      FETCH NEXT FROM log_cursor
      INTO @dbname, @logname
      SET @dynamic_command = NULL
    CLOSE log_cursor
    DEALLOCATE log_cursor

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