Show ALL results or limit them based on parameter

  • I have an query returning back to excel. It is a list of items and their class. Based on a parameter in excel, I want to see ALL of the items, or I want to exclude those with class C and show all the rest. Basically an on/off switch to limit out class C. I thought a CASE would do it, then I thought nested query, but I cant seem to get either to work. Based on the excel sheet, I would see either 3 rows or 5 with the table below. Any suggestions?

    CREATE TABLE temp_item (item varchar(10), class varchar(2))

    INSERT INTO temp_item (item, class)

    VALUES ('ITEM1', 'A'),

    ('ITEM2', 'B'),

    ('ITEM3', 'C'),

    ('ITEM4', 'B'),

    ('ITEM5', 'C')

  • You could probably make use of an inline-table-valued function, as follows:
    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetTempItems (
        @GetClassC tinyint = NULL
    SELECT TI.item, TI.class
    FROM temp_item AS TI
    WHERE TI.class NOT IN (
            WHEN @GetClassC IS NOT NULL THEN 'C'
            ELSE NULL

    You would call it in a query as follows when you want the class C values included:
    SELECT item, class
    FROM dbo.fnGetItemClass(NULL)

    When you want to exclude them, do this instead:
    SELECT item, class
    FROM dbo.fnGetItemClass(0)

    You could use ANY value between 0 and 255 and it would work the same.

  • Thank you. I will work on this.

  • jcobb 20350 - Wednesday, June 20, 2018 9:58 AM

    Thank you. I will work on this.

    You're welcome.

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