Setting Globals with T_SQL possible?

  • Currently I use ActiveX code to change the value of a GlobalVariable in an DTSpackage. Out of curiosity I wonder, if this can be done with T-SQL in an ExecuteSQL task? I am more home in T-SQL than VisualBasic.

    Hans Brouwer

  • I don't think this is possible using and Execute SQL task.

    However you can set the global variable through T-SQL using a dynamic properties task.

  • unfortunatly no. ( AFAIK)

    My Blog:

  • If the value you want to set is the output of a stored proc, can't you just use an output parameter on the Execute SQL task? It's a while since I tried this so I could be wrong, but from addled memory I think the difficulty with these parameters is mapping the right variable to the right parameter.

    I think the ActiveX approach is rather easier to code and debug though.


  • Problem solved, tnx all. Never thought of the dynamic properties task...

    Tnx again.

    Hans Brouwer

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