Servers with same name in network

  • Hi,

    Can we have two servers with same name in same network?Any help is appreciated.






  • Why do you want to do that?! Just dont. You wouldn't have two servers with the same IP address. Better to be able to distinguish.

  • You can use clustering or network load balancing (nlb) to setup a virtual server which references both. Traffic is directed to the virtual server, and the method you use determines which server responds. In nlb, you have two or more identical servers and traffic is balanced between the two. Changes to one are not reflected on the other(s). In clustering, a resource or set of resources (usually an external drive and the applications installed on it) are shared by two or more servers. Usually the resources are passed back and forth, and whichever server currently has control is the one which responds. Changes on one are reflected on the other since it is the same resource.

    Both techniques are complex to setup and maintain, so I recommend researching thoroughly and examining your business needs carefully before implementing. For example, we have a network load balancing set for a web application. This worked fine (the database is on a different server) until the developers started incorporating imports of Excel spreadsheets. Now the spreadsheet is saved in a particular directory and the application reads the file from there. Since the directory must be local to the web engine, the users who need to do this have to use ServerA. So much for the fail-over advantages of nlb, which is why we chose that to start with.

    Check out the following links to start:

    Hope this helps.

    - Nancy

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