Server Side Paging With SQL Server 2005

  • I'm pretty sure it should work with any orderable criteria.

    The real question I have is whether this is stable behaviour of rowcount and select @variable, or if this is leveraging an undocumented feature that may be deprecated/changed without notice.

  • I dont see how it can. You have to have something to return in the first variable to use as the beginning of your range, and unless its already in the table sequentially you would have to create one somehow. This does not seem very efficient, even redundant since you would not need this first query and variable at all because I already know the first row index I need. I could just use a BETWEEN to get the page I need, or a TOP(N) would do just as good (see second example).

    SET ROWCOUNT @StartRowIndex


    @RowNumber = ROW_NUMBER() OVER ([Column1, Column2, ...])




    [Column1, Column2, ...]

    SET ROWCOUNT @MaximumRows


    [Column1, Column2, ...]


    SomeTable A


    (SELECT [IDColumn], ROW_COUNT() OVER ([Column1, Column2, ...]) AS RowNumber FROM SameTable)

    B ON A.[IDColumn] = B.[IDColumn]


    B.RowNumber >= @RowNumber



    --- Single Query Method ---------------------------

    SELECT TOP (@MaximumRows)

    [Column1, Column2, ...]


    SomeTable A


    (SELECT [IDColumn], ROW_COUNT() OVER ([Column1, Column2, ...]) AS RowNumber FROM SameTable)

    B ON A.[IDColumn] = B.[IDColumn]


    B.RowNumber >= @StartRowIndex



    Now I would be impressed if anyone could find a way to get the total records available without having to have a second query to get it. That would be nice.

  • You can use COUNT(*) OVER ('') to get the total count.

    For example:



    count(*) over (partition by '') AS TotalCount

    FROM sys.tables


  • The point is that you DONT need to count anything.

    You need something vaguely sequential though, but I don't see how you could ever page anything if you didn't have some orderable field.

    I have done some more testing, and it's actually not that great on a performance side - great on speed, but read heavy.

  • JRodman (2/4/2009)

    I dont see how it can. You have to have something to return in the first variable to use as the beginning of your range, and unless its already in the table sequentially you would have to create one somehow. This does not seem very efficient, even redundant since you would not need this first query and variable at all because I already know the first row index I need. I could just use a BETWEEN to get the page I need, or a TOP(N) would do just as good (see second example).

    I believe the point of the article you are discussing was that it works on sql 2000. We didn't have use of top(@var) syntax in 2000, so I believe the reason for the approach taken was to work around this limitation.

    It does work with any ordered column, you don't need a sequential int field. E.g.

    create table #test (EmpName varchar(50) primary key clustered)

    declare @i int

    set @i = 0

    while (@i < 1000)


    insert #test values ('BogusName' + cast(@i as varchar))

    set @i = @i + 1



    --execution params


    @startRowIndex int,

    @maximumRows int


    @startRowIndex = 25,

    @maximumRows = 7

    --worker vars

    DECLARE @firstName varchar(50)

    SET ROWCOUNT @startRowIndex

    SELECT @firstName = EmpName FROM #test ORDER BY EmpName

    SET ROWCOUNT @maximumRows

    SELECT EmpName

    FROM #test

    WHERE EmpName >= @firstName

    ORDER BY EmpName

  • I wish it was as simple as that. I cant remember the last time I was able to use a column in a table to sequentially order results. In my case most of the time the ordering is dynamic, such as ordering by a few different columns both ascending and descending and allowing the user to choose such as clicking on a grid column header. In that case you cannot use a column in the table because you have no sequential key to use. So far I am stuck using ROW_COUNT() to give me that key to use for paging. It sure beats using a temp table with an identity column before SQL 2005 came out... And I still need the total number of records so I can calculate the number of available pages there are. I end up having a second query to get COUNT(*) for that calculation. I was hoping someone could come up with a slick way to do that in the main select statement without a second query, but I haven't found a way yet since you are only pulling the page you want back.

  • JRodman (2/4/2009)

    I wish it was as simple as that. I cant remember the last time I was able to use a column in a table to sequentially order results. In my case most of the time the ordering is dynamic, such as ordering by a few different columns both ascending and descending and allowing the user to choose such as clicking on a grid column header. In that case you cannot use a column in the table because you have no sequential key to use. So far I am stuck using ROW_COUNT() to give me that key to use for paging. It sure beats using a temp table with an identity column before SQL 2005 came out... And I still need the total number of records so I can calculate the number of available pages there are. I end up having a second query to get COUNT(*) for that calculation. I was hoping someone could come up with a slick way to do that in the main select statement without a second query, but I haven't found a way yet since you are only pulling the page you want back.

    I don't love the solution, but I have used this

    create table #test (testId INT primary key clustered)

    ;WITH digits AS (

    SELECT 0 as Number











    insert #test


    (hThousands.Number * 100000)

    + (tThousands.Number * 10000)

    + (thousands.Number * 1000)

    + (hundreds.Number * 100)

    + (tens.Number * 10)

    + ones.Number AS Number

    FROM digits AS ones

    CROSS JOIN digits AS tens

    CROSS JOIN digits AS hundreds

    CROSS JOIN digits AS thousands

    CROSS JOIN digits AS tThousands

    CROSS JOIN digits AS hThousands


    ;with cte as




    ,rowNum=row_number() over (order by testId)

    from #test




    ,rowCount = (select max(rowNum) from cte)

    from cte

    where rowNum between 10 and 20


    The main drawbacks are (1)each time you reference the CTE it does the work of row numbering again, (2) to get the max(rowNum) it has to actually calculate the rowNum for all rows of the CTE row_number() definition, and (3) you are duplicating the rowCount on every row you return (wasted bytes on the wire and in buffers).

    The only real positive is you don't have to copy and paste your query to get the rowcount in a second query. I have gone this route before as well and inevitably fix one of the two query instances down the road but not the other, so the row count is no longer accurate for the filter criteria 🙁

  • I have found that getting a count(*) on most of the things I would page is simply nonsensical from a performance perspective.

    Usually I have put in a system to get the first and last pages, the next and previous pages. The code then passes in and out the primary key for the first record to start at for the page, and goes on from there. By returning 1 record extra you know if there's another page. The app knows if it asked for the next page, so it knows if there's a page before. By doing a straight exam on the pk, its lightweight and fast.

    I have run some tests on a small table with a few hundred million rows, and the results were irritating... this new way runs a large 33k reads to get the page start, and 16 reads to get the page data. My old way only does the 16 reads... harder to manage, less nice to use perhaps, but loads better on the scalability front 🙂

  • I can see how that probably would be a descent way to cut corners if you absolutely had to for performance sake. But in most cases my requirements dictate showing the record count somewhere on the screen, so I have to get it anyway.

  • I'm new to this concepts,

    how can I get the Rownumber of particular primary key to go to this page?

    Regards Davor

  • I don't know if this is off topic but will try:

    I have successfully implemented server side paging through a stored procedure using a CTE like it was explained in your article.

    now it comes my question:

    is there a way to retrieve the page number where I can find a given record ?

    example: a new record is inserted in a table ordered by name and the name in this new record is "Smith"

    after submitting the new record my application returns to the list of the customers showing all the names starting with "Alfreds ..."

    It would be much more useful to directly show the page where the new record was added.

    For doing this I need to know what page number I have to retrieve from the database knowing the ID of the new inserted record.

    I have googled around a while without finding nothing but, maybe, I searched in the wrong direction.

    I would be very impressed if someone could help me solve this issue

    Best regards

  • Hello Franco,

    I implemented the algorithm in my project and it works like a baby with 1.5 millions of records.

    Thnx goes to Jacob.

    In this code I'm using table called UFAGL and the SQL Server is SQL SERVER 2008. I think that it will work in 2005 also.

    If You have any question post it here, so that anyone can benefit from it.

    If you having WHERE or JOINS you need to implement them.

    Regards, Davor Geci

    -- big thanks goes to Jacob Sebastian, creator of this algorithm

    -- regards Davor Geci

    DECLARE @PageNumber AS BIGINT = 1;

    DECLARE @Pages AS FLOAT = 0;

    DECLARE @RowsPerPage AS FLOAT = 100;


    DECLARE @Records AS FLOAT = 0;

    DECLARE @FindThisRecord AS FLOAT = 98111220929667;

    --**************************** PART 1 *****************************

    -- order records by Order By

    -- if you have WHERE or JOINS put also here for accurate results

    -- here you need to retrive only RecID and field for searching your record

    WITH tmp1 AS




    -- get the position of my record and total number of records

    SELECT @RecIDNum = RecId,

    @Records = (select max(RecID) from tmp1)

    FROM tmp1

    WHERE BRRAC = @FindThisRecord -- if you don't have record to find skip this WHERE

    SET @PageNumber = ceiling (@RecIDNum/@RowsPerPage) ; -- get the page with my record, if you don't have record to find skip this, or you can skip whole PART 1 by replacing it with @Pages = Count()

    SET @Pages = ceiling (@Records/@RowsPerPage) ; -- get number of total pages

    --**************************** PART 2 *****************************

    -- this is the acctual sql for getting my records ordered by order by field

    -- if you have WHERE or JOINS put also here for accurate results

    WITH tmp AS


    [UFAGL].[STATUS] AS [St] ,

    [UFAGL].[SKLAD] AS [Sklad],

    [UFAGL].[TIP] AS [Knj]


    -- return only needed page of records from tmp

    SELECT [St] ,



    FROM tmp


    (((@PageNumber-1) * @RowsPerPage) + 1)


    (@PageNumber * @RowsPerPage)

    --**************************** PART 3 *****************************

    --Return values:

    SELECT @Pages -- return number of pages

    SELECT @PageNumber -- return actual page

    SELECT @Records -- return number of total records

  • Hi Davor,

    I thank you very much for your quick replay.

    I tried this algorithm with the Query builder and it worked like a charm.

    Very brilliant.

  • Glad to help,

    I have edited the post several times.

    I have optimized it a little bit, so check if you have the last version.

    Maybe Jacob wants to put this in Part 2 also.

    (Its time for Part 2 🙂 )


    Regards, Davor Geci

  • I wanted to come up with a PART 2 which focuses on using the results in an ASP.NET page (display paging information etc). Well, now I think there are enough reasons to have a revised version of the code (including all the knowledge shared in this discussion from various sql experts and the .net side of it)


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